Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 旗舰版相比专业版增加了杀毒软件防火墙,Advanced SystemCare Ultimate 具有简单模式和专家模式
Advanced SystemCare作为一款在国外非常流行的系统优化工具,提供了非常丰富的功能菜单,虽然是款国外的系统优化软件,但由于提供了中文操作界面,对于国内网民来说操作非常简便,而且该软件也同样提供了非常丰富的优化实用工具,如系统安全、系统优化、软件管理方面等,大家不妨试试吧。
Advanced SystemCare Ultimate | 80.8 MB
Advanced SystemCare Ultimate is a powerful anti-virus and system optimization tool. Apart from protecting your PC from malware, viruses and similar threats, it can also boost your PC's performance by applying various registry and shortcut fixes, removing junk files, scanning local disk volumes for system vulnerabilities, etc.
OS :
Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8
: English
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发布日期: 2015-11-19