CG数据库 >> Devonthink Pro Office 2.10.1 MacOsX

DEVONthink Pro Office是一款强大的资源管理软件,现在世界已被数字化,从购物的收据,到重要的调查文件,生活已经逐渐被各种形式的数字文件填满,如邮件、PDF、Word文件、多媒体文件等等。

问题随之而来,我们应该在哪里储存这些数字文件呢?怎样才可以把不同格式的文件分类的更好,以便今后查找时可以准确找到需要的文件呢?你需要帮你管理保存你的数字文件的另一个「大脑」——DEVONthink Pro Office 。

Devonthink Pro Office 2.x | Mac Os X | 39.5 MBMeet DEVONthink — designed to manage and keep in order all those disparate pieces of information so important to your work or studies.

As you become more experienced with DEVONthink and its easy, intuitive interface you will quickly find more exciting ways of using your data.

What DEVONthink Does for YouDEVONthink stores your documents, scanned papers, email messages, notes, bookmarks, etc.

in one place.

Access live web pages seamlessly from within DEVONthink to review, extract further information.

Create RTF documents, edit them in full screen, and use smart templates to quickly add pre-styled documents.

Clip data from other applications using drag-and-drop, services, or the Dock menu.

Annotate PDF documents using standard PDF annotations.

Cross-reference documents.

Edit images.

Search, classify and show relationships between your documents — automatically and language-independent, with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

Share your knowledge using the built-in interactive web interface on the local network, over the Internet, and access it from Macs, Windows-PCs, the iPhone, or the iPod touch.

Take all your important documents with you on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with DEVONthink To Go.

Perfect IntegrationDEVONthink and DEVONagent integrate seamlessly with each other, Safari, and other web browsers.

With just one click send web pages or search results to your database.

Scan your papers with e.


the Fujitsu ScanSnap, the Avision scanners, or most Mac OS X compatible flatbed scanners and file them in your database as searchable PDFs.

If you are looking for a Mac replacement for Nuance PaperPort, DEVONthink Pro Office is the most powerful one — and much more.

Archive your email directly from within Apple Mail or from Microsoft Entourage, PowerMail, Mailsmith and other email apps using UNIX mailboxes, e.



Store and view many file formats including, but not limited to, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice.

org, Apple iWork, Skim, Mellel, and all file formats supported by Quicklook.

Search all your databases directly from Spotlight.

Add short notes directly from the Dashboard, add documents to your database even when DEVONthink is not running using the independent Sorter application.

Connect DEVONthink to other applications; add new functionality using AppleScript or Automator.

Requires Intel-based Mac running OS X 10.


8 or later.

Devonthink Pro Office 2.10.1 MacOsX的图片1

发布日期: 2018-07-05