Final Draft是世界上最畅销的剧本编辑文本处理工具。有了Final Draft,你就可以把全部的精力和创造力用在剧本创作上了,而不必理会版面等编辑问题。Final Draft包含了专门针对于剧本方面的强大的文字处理功能。这样一来,你就不需要再多花时间学习剧本的格式应该是什么规则,也不必担心剧本过于凌乱导致他人无法看明白了;Final Draft的价值就是自动为你转换格式成为世界通用的模式和标准。
Final Draft 9.x | MacOSX | 36.8 MB
Final Draft allows you to use your creative energy to focus on the content; let Final Draft take care of the style. Final Draft is the number-one selling application specifically designed for writing movie scripts, television episodics, and stage plays. It combines powerful word processing with professional script formatting in one self-contained, easy-to-use package. There is no need to learn about script formatting rules - Final Draft automatically paginates and formats your script to industry standards as you write.
OS X 10.7.0 or later
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发布日期: 2016-07-01