CG数据库 >> 运动场摄影大师教程 Kelby Training – What Makes a Great Sports Photo with Peter Read Miller, Scott Kelby

运动场摄影大师教程 Kelby Training – What Makes a Great Sports Photo with Peter Read Miller, Scott Kelby的图片1

射击运动是混乱的。 我们都在挣扎,同样的问题,问同样的问题。 最好的射击位置在哪里? 我应该使用什么镜头? 我怎么知道哪些照片是什么好吗? 加入传奇体育摄影师彼得读米勒和斯科特Kelby找到所有这些问题的答案,和更多! 彼得和斯科特经历的细节拍摄许多不同类型的运动,从足球,篮球和游泳,排球,因为他们讨论和剖析什么使一个伟大的体育照片在每一个特定的环境。 你将学习的关键要素,单独的胜者与败者基于彼得读米勒的30年的经验涵盖体育世界各地。

Kelby Training - What Makes a Great Sports Photo with Peter Read Miller, Scott Kelby

English | mp4 | H264 640x360, 1280x720 | AAC 1 ch 64 kbps | 2 hrs 25 min | 1.42 GB

eLearning, Photography

运动场摄影大师教程 Kelby Training – What Makes a Great Sports Photo with Peter Read Miller, Scott Kelby的图片2

运动场摄影大师教程 Kelby Training – What Makes a Great Sports Photo with Peter Read Miller, Scott Kelby的图片3

Shooting sports is messy. We all struggle with the same issues and ask the same questions. Where are the best shooting positions? What lens should I be using? How do I know which photos are any good? Join legendary sports photographer Peter Read Miller and Scott Kelby to find the answers to all these questions and more! Peter and Scott go through the particulars of shooting many different types of sports, ranging from football to basketball and swimming to volleyball, as they discuss and dissect what makes a great sports photo in each specific environment. You’ll learn the key elements that separate the winners from the losers based on Peter Read Miller’s 30 years of experience covering sports all over the world.

运动场摄影大师教程 Kelby Training – What Makes a Great Sports Photo with Peter Read Miller, Scott Kelby的图片4Contents

Introduction [09:13]Join Peter and Scott to get the class started with an overview of what will be covered in the class followed by a look into some of Peter's own photographs.

Football: Part 1 [16:43]You want to capture peak action. Peter shares techniques for making athletes look like they are jumping even higher than they really are, how he exposes for different conditions, and more.

Football: Part 2 [15:08]Peter and Scott continue to discuss and examine various football photos to see what works in each one.

Favorite Shooting Positions for Football [05:52]There are a few factors to consider when choosing your shooting position for a football game.

How to Improve Football Photos [10:01]Not every shot is a winner. Peter and Scott critique some football photos to see what can be done better. They wrap this lesson with a discussion of how what applies to football applies to other team sports.

Baseball [08:03]Peter and Scott switch to discussing what makes a great baseball photo.

Favorite Shooting Positions for Baseball [07:46]Peter diagrams the classic positions for shooting baseball before critiquing some of Scott's baseball photos.

Basketball [09:46]Shooting indoors brings new challenges and new opportunities. Basketball has a few types of classic shots.

How to Improve Basketball Photos [07:42]Peter critiques some of Scott's basketball photos to see what could have been done better.

Swimming and Gymnastics [14:33]Just because you are close to the pool doesn't mean you won't want to use a long lens to get in close and capture those expressions. With gymnastics one of the biggest challenges is finding a nice background.

Track [13:00]They start this lesson with a critique of Scott's gymnastic photos before transitioning into track and field.

Volleyball [06:09]Volleyball can be indoors or out. There are a number of angles you want to try and position yourself to capture.

Blind Photo Critique [21:37]A blind photo critique of photos submitted by the photographers in the Sports Shooters community on Google+.

Course Time: 02 Hours 25 Minutes

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发布日期: 2013-08-03