CG数据库 >> MSC Sinda 2014-MAGNiTUDE

MSC Sinda 2014-MAGNiTUDE的图片1



Sinda 是一个热分析软件,已广泛地应用于各类成功的空间项目,其中包括 Astra、ERS 1-2、Gomos、Mars Express、Silex、Soho,其应用领域涵盖包括航空、航天、汽车及电子在内的多个行业。

Sinda 采用热阻-热容网络法进行热分析,因而它在解决热问题时具有许多优势。Sinda 优于其它解决方案之处在于它提供了强大的热分析编程语言,使工程师能够构建其他分析软件难以或无法实现的复杂热分析模型。

通过与大量的热分析建模工具集成,可进一步扩大 Sinda 的灵活性,这些工具其中包括 Patran、SimXpert、SindaRad、THERMICA、Thermal Studio 及 Visio。

MSC Sinda 2014-MAGNiTUDE的图片2

Sinda 热分析软件的优势

与基于有限元的热分析软件相比,Sinda 拥有众多优势,使您能够:








MSC Sinda 2014

| 516 mb

Advanced Thermal Simulation Solution

Sinda is a thermal analyzer that has been extensively used in a wide range of successful space programs including Astra, ERS 1-2, Gomos, Mars Express, Silex, Soho, and across multiple industries including Aerospace, Automotive, and Electronics.

Sinda uses a conductor-capacitor network representation approach to thermal analysis that offers numerous benefits when solving thermal problems. Sinda goes beyond other solutions by also providing a powerful thermal programming language, enabling engineers to construct complex thermal scenarios that would otherwise be difficult or impossible with other analyzers.

The flexibility of Sinda is extended even more with integration to a wide number of thermal modeling tools including Patran, SimXpert, SindaRad, THERMICA, Thermal Studio and Visio.

Sinda Thermal Analyzer Advantages

Sinda includes a number of advantages, when compared to FE based thermal analyzers, that allow you to:

Select from a wide number of available thermal loads.

Use fast radiation methods with multiple radiation enclosures.

Model terrestrial heating for solar loads on Airplanes, Automobiles, Solar Power Plants, Civilian Structures, and more.

Add subroutines to model logic and boundary conditions for complex thermal problems.

Utilize micro functions for complex loads without the addition of programming logic.

Include complex special/time/temperature variation of heat fluxes and convections.

Add advanced thermal features including ablation for thermal electric devices and heat pipes.

The flexibility of Sinda is extended even more with integration to a wide number of thermal modeling tools including Patran, SimXpert, SindaRad, THERMICA, Thermal Studio and Visio.

MSC Sinda 2014-MAGNiTUDE的图片3










Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8

Size: 516


发布日期: 2015-02-04