CG数据库 >> jQuery-free JavaScript

jQuery-free JavaScript的图片1jQuery-free JavaScript

WMV | VC-1 158kbps | English | 1024x768 | 15fps | 2h 26mins | WMA2 stereo 128kbps | 262 MB

Genre: Video Training

In this course we will explain when it's appropriate to use jQuery and when it may not be. If you need jQuery then we will look at making a custom build that includes only the parts you need. Most of this course is focused on converting common jQuery snippets to either use native browser APIs or utilize a popular micro-library.


├───01. When to Use jQuery

│ 01. Course Introduction.wmv

│ 02. When Should I Use jQuery .wmv

│ 03. Custom Builds of jQuery.wmv

│ 04. Alternate Libraries.wmv

│ 05. Demo.wmv

│ 06. Summary.wmv

├───02. Native Selectors

│ 01. Introduction.wmv

│ 02. Selectors.wmv

│ 03. Each.wmv

│ 04. Index.wmv

│ 05. First and Last.wmv

│ 06. Is.wmv

│ 07. Filter.wmv

│ 08. Find.wmv

│ 09. Next and Previous.wmv

│ 10. Closest.wmv

│ 11. Demo.wmv

│ 12. Summary.wmv

├───03. Native DOM Manipulation

│ 01. Introduction.wmv

│ 02. Classes.wmv

│ 03. HTML and Text.wmv

│ 04. Append and Prepend.wmv

│ 05. Remove.wmv

│ 06. CSS.wmv

│ 07. Attributes and Properties.wmv

│ 08. Value.wmv

│ 09. Height and Width.wmv

│ 10. Demo.wmv

│ 11. Summary.wmv

├───04. Native Events

│ 01. Introduction.wmv

│ 02. Bind and Unbind.wmv

│ 03. Delegate and Undelegate.wmv

│ 04. Prevent Default and Stop Propagation.wmv

│ 05. Target and Which.wmv

│ 06. Proxy.wmv

│ 07. Trigger.wmv

│ 08. DOM Ready.wmv

│ 09. Demo.wmv

│ 10. Summary.wmv

├───05. Native Ajax

│ 01. Introduction.wmv

│ 02. Ajax Get.wmv

│ 03. Ajax Post.wmv

│ 04. JSONP.wmv

│ 05. Micro-Library.wmv

│ 06. Demo.wmv

│ 07. Summary.wmv

├───06. Native Utilities

│ 01. Introduction.wmv

│ 02. Data.wmv

│ 03. Map.wmv

│ 04. Extend.wmv

│ 05. In Array.wmv

│ 06. Type Checking.wmv

│ 07. Trim.wmv

│ 08. Demo.wmv

│ 09. Summary.wmv

├───07. Native Animation

│ 01. Introduction.wmv

│ 02. Vendor Prefixes.wmv

│ 03. Fade.wmv

│ 04. Slide.wmv

│ 05. Scale.wmv

│ 06. Easing.wmv

│ 07. Shim.wmv

│ 08. Demo.wmv

└───08. Native Plugins

01. Introduction.wmv

02. jQuery Plugin as A Namespace.wmv

03. Simple jQuery Plugin.wmv

04. Convert Extend.wmv

05. Convert Create.wmv

06. Convert Event.wmv

07. Convert Position.wmv

08. Simple Library.wmv

09. jQuery Plugin Wrapper.wmv

10. Demo.wmv

11. Summary.wmv

jQuery-free JavaScript的图片2

jQuery-free JavaScript的图片3

发布日期: 2015-02-14