CG数据库 >> MDB Tool For Microsoft Access 1.0.6 Retail MacOSX

MDB Tool For Microsoft Access 1.0.6 Retail MacOSX的图片1

MDB Tool 是一款在Mac上查看 Microsoft Access 的软件。你能通过MDB Tool 把数据库导出成csv或者excel。

MDB Tool For Microsoft Access 1.x Retail | MacOSX | 1.6 Mb

MDB Tool is the best resource for viewing Microsoft Access databases on a Mac. You can use it to export your data directly into SQL (for creating an SQLITE database) or directly to CSV and launch it into Excel.


+ Support for Unicode data.

+ Export options for both SQL & CSV.

+ Quick table view count.

Please note: Databases must be in the Access 2007 or below format.

MDB Tool - For Microsoft Access Support

发布日期: 2015-03-13