SQLyog 是业界著名的 Webyog 公司出品的一款简洁高效、功能强大的图形化 MySQL 数据库管理工具。SQLyog是图形化管理接口的MySQL数据库管理工具,让您能够从世界的任何角落透过网络来维护数据库。作为一款MYSQL数据库的管理工具软件,SQLyog主要用于使用GUI界面对MYSQL进行管理,包含MySQL Query Browser,phpMyAdmin和其他前后台管理以及MySQL Clients为一体。
SQLyog 相比其它类似的 MySQL 数据库管理工具其有如下特点:
1、基于C++和MySQL API编程;
3、易 用的数据库、数据表备份与还原功能;
5、直接运行批量 SQL 脚本文件,速度极快;
6. 智能SQL语句自动完成功能;
Webyog SQLyog Ultimate Multilingual (x86/x64) | 6.5/7.2 MB
SQLyog MySQL GUI is the most popular MySQL Manager and MySQL Admin Tool,combining the features of MySQL Query Browser, phpMyAdmin and various other MySQL Front Ends and MySQL Clients in a single intuitive interface. Working with MySQL can sometimes be painful. SQLyog has the ability to take even the most difficult and time consuming tasks and make them a breeze.
Main features:
• Visual Schema Designer
• Includes many additional tools like:
• Visual Schema Designer, Visual Query Builder
• Smart Autocomplete, Intelligent Code Completion
• Powerful Migration Toolkit, Get external data at scheduled intervals
• Scheduled Data Synchronization, Both 1-way and 2-way sync supported
• Side by side visual Schema Comparison, Auto DDL generation for syncing
• Manage hosted MySQL over SSH, HTTP, HTTPS tunnels
• Wizard Driven Scheduled Backups
• Notification Services, Job Scheduler
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发布日期: 2017-06-28