Quickoffice Pro可以轻松的创建,编辑和共享Microsoft®Office文件!您还可以访问谷歌的驱动器或其他云存储帐户,管理您的电子邮件附件,以及访问本地保存的文件。
✔创建,编辑和共享Microsoft®Office文件('97 - '2010格式)
✔访问Dropbox, Box, Evernote, Catch, Huddle, Egnyte and SugarSync
Quickoffice Pro (Office & PDF) v5.7.327
Android | .apk | 11mb
You're always on the go and, with Quickoffice® Pro for Android, now you can enjoy true office mobility. Create, edit, access, and share your Microsoft® Office documents, spreadsheets, and presentations - anytime, anywhere.
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发布日期: 2013-08-08