CG数据库 >> Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite Ultimate 2016 x86

Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite Ultimate 2016 x86的图片1

AutoCAD Design Suite 的三个版本(Standard、Premium 和 Ultimate)结合了 AutoCAD 软件与不断完善的概念设计和视觉交流软件。

AutoCAD Design Suite Ultimate扩展您的 CAD 设计工作流

AutoCAD® Design Suite 可视化和设计软件通过 AutoCAD Raster Design 和视觉交流解决方案等工具,扩展了 AutoCAD 软件。将现有设计数据转换为 DWG™ 文件,借助可靠的 TrustedDWG™ 技术传达设计,并将设计转换为逼真的渲染。

Autodesk AutoCAD Design Suite Ultimate 2016 (x86) | 3.17 Gb

Help improve project management and incorporate industrial design aesthetics into 3D designs with a comprehensive portfolio of product design and development software.

what's New:

Get specialist tools for project management, better anticipate costly project clashes, and incorporate industrial design aesthetics into 3D designs with tools in Product Design Suite Ultimate that help you to:

Better support, manage, and resolve project clashes with a new facility-level clash detection tool.

Incorporate industrial design aesthetics into your 3D designs and create production-ready surfaces with the same flexible modeling tools used by the world’s most successful automotive and consumer product manufacturers.

Help reduce file open time with new Express Mode in Inventor® software, which introduces a new way of working with large assemblies for greater efficiency.

Accept and supply data in customers' preferred formats with new enhanced CAD translation tools, including native translators that read and write files from other CAD applications.

Assemble individual parts and subassemblies more quickly with a new, simplified process in Inventor software that defines the position of components and describes part motion in one step.

Use enhanced Building Information Modeling (BIM) interoperability to help reduce model complexity and use feature recognition to represent your Inventor designs with native features recognized by Revit.

发布日期: 2015-03-26