Office 2016 for Mac由云服务驱动,使得用户可以在任何时间、任何地点、用任何设备访问自己的文档。这与微软近期发布的Officefor Windows 10相似,Office 2016 for Mac为用户带来了熟悉的Office体验,同时又针对Mac的界面设计与系统特性进行了精心地适配。新的应用完美支持Retina显示屏(包括上千个高清图标),提供了适配Mac系统的全屏显示,甚至还支持文档滚动的弹性效果这样的细节场景。由于有太多新功能,本文就不在此一一列举,下面将重点展示一些亮点功能的概览。
Office 2016 for Mac:令人兴奋的跨越
新一代Office for Mac 包含最新版本的Word、Excel、PowerPoint、OneNote和Outlook。当用户打开任何一个应用时,会立即感受到它的与众不同。全新的用户界面更加时尚,功能操作也更加简易便捷。重新设计的功能区更加直观,让用户能够快速找到所需的功能。新的任务窗格界面更便于摆放图形、调整图形大小或旋转图形,进而更加精准地创建用户所需的布局。借助全新的主题和样式,用户可轻而易举的制作精美而专业的文档。
云端连接OneDrive、OneDrive for Business 和 SharePoint
Word 先进的编辑、审阅和共享工具,使编辑和美化文档更轻松。“设计”选项卡可让用户管理文档中的布局、颜色和字体,导航窗格帮助用户细化文档结构,并快速导航到用户想用的功能。线索式的批注将协同编辑过程中的批注转变为对话,令用户节省协同审阅的时间。
利用Excel中的新功能,用户能快速提炼出数据背后的故事。图表、图形、快捷键以及增强的数据输入(如公式编辑器和自动匹配功能)使用户的效率即刻倍增。对Excel 2013 for Windows最新公式的支持,确保用户轻松实现跨平台共享。新的分析工具集提供了广泛的统计功能,包括移动平均法和指数平滑法。数据透视表筛选器(Slicer)将帮助用户轻松理清海量数据,找到问题的答案。
拥有全新的PowerPoint 版本,用户接下来的每一场演讲都会信心百倍。PowerPoint新的演示者视图就像用户的演讲指挥中心——在用户的Mac 屏幕上显示当前幻灯片、下一张幻灯片、备注和计时,但在大屏幕上向观众仅投影演示内容。新的动画窗格帮助用户更快创建演示文稿,新的幻灯片切换效果将使作品更加美观和专业。
管理邮件变得前所未有的简单。最近发布的Outlook for Mac也是预览版的一部分,支持邮件推送,使收件箱时刻保持最新。改进的对话视图根据对话线索自动组织邮件,使用户无需再四处查找相关邮件。新的邮件预览功能,会在邮件主题下方显示邮件正文的第一句话,以便用户迅速决定是否现在阅读或稍后再看。
有了OneNote,用户再也不必担心忘记任何内容。它帮助用户在任何设备上用电子笔记本捕捉、组织和分享想法。用户可以利用“待办事项”、“重要”或“问题”等标签,快速组织笔记,借助强大的搜索引擎快速找到标记和笔记内容,利用OCR 技术识别图像中的文字和手写笔记。
事实上,OneNote and Outlook这两个应用程序都不是新的。他们在2014年就已经推出了两者的Mac版本,自那时起就进行了多次更新。微软表示Office2016 Mac预览版将“定期”更新,用户将从Mac版本Office自动更新工具里收到更新通知。每一个预览版将会在发布后60天失效,最后一个预览版将在正式发布后一个月失效。
Microsoft Office 2016 v15.10 Preview Multilingual (Mac OS X) | 2.8 GB
Microsoft has announced the release of the preliminary version of the office suite Office 2016 for the Mac. The new Office for Mac is the first major upgrade package Microsoft Office applications on the platform OS X since the release version of Office 2011. The new version of the program includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Outlook, and also brings a lot of new features, including support for high-resolution displays Retina and full-screen applications. The main focus of her made on standardization and better integration with cloud-based service OneDrive.
Release of Office 2016 for Mac, which is completely free for all owners of Mac computers running OS X Yosemite over the stage of preliminary testing, is another step in the direction of standardization, improve usability and performance products. The company notes that the best experience when working with documents, spreadsheets and presentations are guaranteed with a subscription to Office 365, which allows access to all files on different devices at any time. However, the subscription is not a prerequisite for the use of Office 2016 for the Mac.
Office suite Office 2016 for Mac has inherited many elements from the version of Office for Windows, and mobile client applications Office, which debuted last year. Updates to the tape, which is a new arranges tools and formatting functions, completely redesigned user interface based on the latest functionality of computers Mac, new themes and styles. There is even a new design theme in the spirit of Yosemite, which to the best advantage of features such as support for full-screen applications, OS X.
System requirements:
• Mac computer with an Intel processor
• Mac OS X version 10.10
• Recommended 1 GB of RAM
• 5,62 GB of free hard disk space
• Hard disk formatting such as HFS + (also known as Mac OS Extended or HFS Plus)
• A monitor with 1280x800 resolution or higher
• Recommended Safari 7
发布日期: 2015-05-18