CG数据库 >> Safe Software FME Desktop / Server 2015. (x86/x64)

Safe Software FME Desktop / Server 2015. (x86/x64)的图片1

FME函数及格式支持FME(Feature Manipulate Engineering,简称FME)是加拿大Safe Software公司开发的空间数据转换处理系统,它是完整的空间ETL解决方案。该方案基于OpenGIS组织提出的新的数据转换理念"语义转换",通过提供在转换过程中重构数据的功能,实现了超过250种不同空间数据格式(模型)之间的转换,为进行快速、高质量、多需求的数据转换应用提供了高效、可靠的手段。


以FME为中心实现超过100种GIS及CAD空间数据格式,如DWG、DXF、DGN、ArcInfo Coverage、Shape File、ArcSDE 、Oracle、SDO等的相互转换;




提供了FME Plug-in Builder API、FME Object API,用户可以为FME扩展新的数据格式,通过这些接口将FME嵌入到自己的应用系统中,实现方便的应用集成;


Safe Software FME Desktop / Server 2015. (x86/x64) | 4.3 Gb (Total)

Everything FME begins here using a no-code, drag-and-drop approach for efficient workflow configuration. Quickly and easily translate data between many applications with readers and writers for over 325 data formats. Move beyond straight conversion and preserve data's rich details, transforming content and structure without writing a single line of code.

FME for the Enterprise

Provide organization-wide access to FME's advanced data transformation and integration platform. Connect systems with workflow automation, job scheduling, notification services, real-time capabilities and more. Integrate location data into enterprise business intelligence and add a new component to analysis.

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发布日期: 2015-11-26