DFT EZ Mask(ps抠图工具)是为photoshop定制的一个抠图插件程序,可以方便的将一张图片中的某个对象提取出来进行再编辑,小到象头发、反射光、烟雾等,都难不倒它,像我们平时看到的一些合成PS图片用这个插件就算不是很精通PS也能轻松制作。
EZ Mask的对象提取过程很简单,提取出来的部分会以纯白色显示,而剩余被剔除的则显示为黑色,灰色的地方表示一定程度的透明效果,提取出来之后,可以重新在新的Photoshop面板中重新使用、编辑。
DFT EZ Mask v3.0v2 CE For Photoshop and Lightroom | 25 MB
EZ Mask - an easy-to-use online tool for masking - removing or isolating an object in an image. With EZ Mask can isolate almost any object, even if you are dealing with fine hair detail, smoke, or reflections. This extraction process creates what is called the "mask" - black and white subject. White areas are extracted, black areas not, and gray areas in between represent a level of transparency. The extracted object can then be inserted into the background in Adobe Photoshop, you can also apply filters to correct only the image area, selected by the mask.
EZ Mask Features:
Stroke based masking
Capable of extracting almost any object in an image
Excels with fine hair detail, smoke, or reflections
Interactive Refine mode to finesse the mask
Edge color estimation prevents fringing to create a seamless composite
Blue/Green spill suppression
Foreground color correction, position, scaling, rotation and corner-pinning
• Adobe Photoshop CS5 and up (64 Bit Only)
• Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 and up (Non-app store version)
• Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 and up
发布日期: 2015-06-22