CG数据库 >> Thinkbox Deadline

Thinkbox Deadline的图片1

ThinkBox Deadline 是一个简单易用的管理和渲染工具包,提供了管理方案为各种规模的渲染农场的主人, 并灵活地运行在业界最广泛的平台和配套的软件渲染. 因为限期使工作室无缝沟通各地点, 该工具正引起了拥有庞大的全球视觉效果渲染农场公司的受欢迎程度.

Thinkbox Deadline 8x | 740.3 MB

Deadline is a hassle-free administration and rendering toolkit for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX based render farms. It offers a world of flexibility and a wide-range of management options for render farms of all sizes, and supports over 60 different rendering packages out of the box. Deadline 7 is the latest version of Thinkbox Software’s scalable high-volume compute management solution. It features built-in VMX (Virtual Machine Extension) capabilities, which allow artists, architects and engineers to harness resources in both public and private clouds.


- MacOSX 10.7 or Later

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发布日期: 2017-01-26