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SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro MacOSX的图片1

SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro for mac主要是针对数码照片RAW格式的文件处理,利用SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro for mac可以轻松进行曝光、白平衡、锐化、色调、色彩、镜头畸变、降噪、旋转剪裁等处理。各个功能下面提供多种选择进行细微的处理。


针对各品牌数码相机所拍摄RAW格式照片的通用处理软件,利用数码相机的RAW数据生成“噪音小、清晰度高的高质量“RAW图象(可直出JPG)。另外,利用独特的开发技术,使用了较为人性化、高性能的便捷操作界面,实现了 : 多彩的色彩表现、照片动态范围调整、边缘弱光补正、图像失真补正、镜头象差补正等,通过面向专业人士的多彩功能,可以简单、直接地实现迄今为止难以实现的色彩再现。这些功能都是在RAW显像阶段进行处理的,因此可以制作出高质量的照片。


寻找功能强大、操作简单、可支持不同厂牌RAW档的转换软件,让每张作品影像品质更臻完美,也成为摄影界追求的课题。深耕摄影市场数十年的永准贸易,始终致力于提供数码摄影及色彩管理的全方位解决方案,永准独家引进业界知名的Silkypix Developer Studio Pro,让无法满足随相机附赠RAW档转换软件的使用者,获得高品质的影像转换工具。

Silkypix Developer Studio Pro是解RAW档软件Silkypix系列中最高阶的版本,专为需大量处理RAW档的摄影师及影像专业人士所设计。Silkypix Developer Studio Pro可将RAW档有效率地转换成高品质的影像。除了曝光补正、批次显像、旋转、裁切及白平衡等基本功能外,也具备遮光、去除脏点、数码移轴、highlight控制、伪色管理、精密色彩微调、镜头收差补正等进阶微调选项。同时Silkypix Developer Studio Pro是套简单易用的软件,透过直觉操作即可让您轻松拥有超高品质的影像。

SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro 8x | MacOSX | 216 MB

SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro is RAW developing software that generates a high-resolution picture from the RAW data of a digital camera. The original SILKYPIX development engine offers accurate color from shadows through to highlights.You can then derive your color preference from there on in. In addition, noise reduction and Lens aberration controllers are provided to deliver high quality images together with many other functions that todays' photographers need. Consider Silkypix as the universal RAW converter that yields clear photographs akin to the sound of a pure audio system.

Easing Brightness Noise

The performance in easing the roughness (brightness noise) in images generated through high sensitivity has improved compared to conventional noise reduction. Side effects such as photographs dimming have been suppressed when compared with the amount of noise as usual.

Improved Maintenance Level of Outlines during Noise Reduction

Blurs and waves in outlines are suppressed during noise reduction when compared with conventional items. Therefore, natural finishes are possible even with NR.

Adjusting Bright Sections and Dark Sections with Dodge Functions / HDR Functions

You can automatically detect shadow areas and have their brightness reproduced by intensifying them. In addition, this can be applied only to shadow areas without influencing the brightness of highlighted areas.

Color Burn only (common to both Dodge / HDR)

You can automatically detect and restore harmony to highlighted parts close to overexposure through desensitization. In addition, this can be applied only to highlighted areas without influencing the brightness of shadowed areas.

Red Eye Correction

By using the Red Eye Correction Brush found in the Spotting Tools, it is possible to designate and correct areas of red eye from flashes.

Portrait Beautification

You can control details such as rough or layering skins, through the automatic search and smooth expression of areas close to skin tones. Natural, high resolution processing is possible in areas of skin tones and outlines near them. Sometimes reproductions of skin details in photography from the bust up are available in the latest high resolution devices. This is very useful in portrait photography.

Add Noise

You can obtain effects that increase the emphasis and sharpness of details of the subject being photographed by adding grey scale noise to your photographs. This is not simply adding noise uniformly, but rather distinguishing the brightness in photographs and adding noise filters to applicable photographs changed automatically in quantities generating noise depending on the area. Therefore, you can use this as a film grain (granular feeling of the frame) emulation.

Automatic Level Correction

This function automatically recognizes the photograph’s histogram and sets the level for shadowing and highlighting. It is a convenient function for when lighting conditions are weak (low contrast) and you want to set tones used to the maximum of RGB gradation. Sometimes a strong level correction raises the contrast, leading to a higher chroma. If this happens, use the chroma slider to lower the chroma.

Changes centered on shading

You can change the center of corrections to shading (peripheral dimming). This is especially effective when obtaining effects of dimming the four corners equally, even when trimming the photograph so that the center angle of view has been moved when the peripheral has been dimmed as an effect (when aiming for a tunneling effect).

Soft Proofing

You can confirm color tastes on the preview screen when printing by selecting the printer profile and “Printer + Paper.” It is possible to edit data for highly precise printing because you can confirm that there are no color shifts or eliminated (or added) dark areas when using fine art paper that is especially different from RGB characteristics. This function performs color management on the monitor, making it possible to proofread (simulate) to a high degree of reliability only in environments for reading the printing.


Intel, 64-bit processor OS X 10.7 or later

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发布日期: 2016-02-24