Windows Doctor是一款融合了安全防护工具和系统优化工具的软件。该软件的诊断引擎可以查出隐藏在你计算机中的间谍软件、广告流氓软件和各种木马病毒等等。不仅仅如此,该软件还拥有完善的系统优化功能,例如系统优化、清除隐私、启动加速、注册清理等等。Windows Doctor完全可以做到将系统安全和系统优化一站式解决。
Windows Doctor
| 7.6 Mb
Windows Doctor is the perfect solution to all kinds of registry problems. Its advanced scan engine is able to scan your entire registry within a few seconds to identify every single registry error and safely repair them for you. With Windows Doctor, you’ll see immediate increases in performance and decreases in system conflicts. It will make your computer run as fluently as new and error-free.
发布日期: 2017-03-13