CG数据库 >> Digital.Juice.Drag.and.Drop.Series.3.Bundle.D6.Crystal.Caustics.DVD9-SUNiSO


Digital Juice公司出品的DJ美轮美奂系列背景视频素材合辑第三季,Digital Juice Drag and Drop Series 3 Bundle,格式:ISO MOV,分辨率:1920x1080,共包含9个大系列视频素材合辑共设计师学习使用。

著名Digital Juice发行的商业级动态影视视频素材--电视台,影视公司,广告公司等专用的动态影视音效素材,影视制作和影视后期设计人员必备的专业素材。它是一套专业的影视后期视频素材,被广泛的各影视制作公司和电视台!“巧妇难为无米之炊”,没有素材的支持,创作便成了无源之水,无本之木。精彩的创意最终需要素材来构建。而且,丰富、精美的素材会极大地激发你的创作灵感。以具体、精美的素材为基础的创意,必然产生高效率的制作和完美的艺术作品。影视制作和影视后期设计人员的佳品!

高质量的视觉效果,色彩绚丽清晰斑斓,元素多元化,多重效果选择。使用方便快捷,效果显著,能够快速的为你的视频工程提升品质,给你带来不一样的视觉享受。素材应用范围广泛:能使用在 电影,影视MV,MTV,广告片,婚礼片,宣传片,专题片,VCR,微电影等等。画面绝对上档次,给你的画面提升品位,为你提供震撼/唯美的视觉效果。

With 9 all-new volumes of high quality clip-based visual

effects, Drag & Drop Series 3 delivers more of what every

video editor, motion designer or video effects artist

needs to make their productions extraordinary. The variety

in these new categories of effects covers the gamut from

the sparkling glints in Glass Facets to the ethereal

light-play in Crystal Caustics and from the powerful

framing in Dynamic Edge to the pulsing beat of the spotlit

effects of Party Time. These drag-and-drop clips save you

time and aggravation, while enhancing and enlivening each ?

and every project they touch in a unique way. Simply by

dragging any of these effects clips on top of your footage

with the appropriate blend mode, you can elevate your

footage from the mundane to the sublime, raising the

production value of your p




7.59 GB

发布日期: 2015-07-13