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ZD Soft Screen Monitor 2.3的图片1

ZD Soft Screen Monitor是一款用于远程记录屏幕活动的工具。软件体积非常小,基于点对点模式,只需要一个客户端和浏览器程序,不需要额外的服务器,它能有效的节省很多成本。ZD Soft Screen Recoder也是该公司开发的一款优秀的屏幕录像工具。

ZD软屏显示器是一个易于使用的软件产品,让你看到正在发生的事情或发生在一个或多个远程计算机(S)在局域网(LAN)。它的重量轻(仅为3。×兆字节)和基于点对点的模型,只有一个客户端程序和浏览器程序。没有服务器是必需的,所以它的成本效益和带宽节省。在远程计算机上安装客户端程序需要安装,而浏览器程序需要安装在您/观察者的计算机上。你使用浏览器程序连接到一台远程计算机观看它的屏幕或屏幕播放。客户端程序记录屏幕活动连续24 / 7,使用极低的处理器。屏幕录像是高度压缩的运动视频,不只是一些截图,所以数据的大小是相当小的,而且播放非常流畅。根据您的设置和远程计算机的磁盘空间,屏幕上可以保持30天或更多的时间。在观看程序中,您可以维护远程计算机的表。您可以同时观看多台远程计算机,一台远程计算机可以同时接收多个用户。你可以观看屏幕播放在正常速度来研究到底发生了什么事情,在过去,或以极快的速度去通过一整天屏幕活动几分钟看一看是什么事。此外,你可以通过点击播放进度条上的应用程序来跟踪某个应用程序的使用。你可以找到最常用的应用程序是通过查看一个饼图的前10个应用程序的统计。此外,ZD软屏显示器有一个简单的通讯功能,使你能够弹出短信需要在一个或多个远程计算机立即注意。所有这些很酷的功能,也可以是各种应用场景,如员工电脑监控,学生计算机监控,家长控制,它安全增强,软件/网站可用性测试,软件测试与调试,知识基地建设,人员培训,工作流,审查和提高生产力。

ZD Soft Screen Monitor 2.x | 4 Mb

ZD Soft Screen Monitor is an easy-to-use software product that enables you to see what is happening or happened on one or more remote computer(s) over a Local Area Network (LAN). It's lightweight (only 3.x MB) and based on point-to-point model that only has a client program and a viewer program. No server is required so it's cost-effective and bandwidth-saving.

The client program needs to be installed on the remote computers, while the viewer program needs to be installed on your/observers' computer(s). You use the viewer program to connect to a remote computer to watch its live screen or screen playback. The client program records screen activities continuously 24/7 with extremely low CPU usage. The screen recordings are highly compressed motion videos - not just some screenshots - so the data size is fairly small and the playback is very smooth. The screen recordings can be kept for 30 days or more, depending on your settings and the remote computer's disk space. In the viewer program you maintain a watch list of remote computers. You can watch multiple remote computers at the same time, and one remote computer can accept multiple viewers concurrently. You can watch screen playback at normal speed to study what happened exactly in the past, or at super-fast speed to go through the daylong screen activities in a few minutes to have a glance at what was done. Furthermore, you can trace the use of a certain application easily by clicking the application marks on the playback progress bar. And you can find out what the most used applications are by viewing a pie chart of top 10 apps' statistics. In addition, ZD Soft Screen Monitor has a simple messaging feature that enables you to pop-up short text messages need immediate attention on one or more remote computers. With all these cool features, there can be various application scenarios such as employee computer monitoring, student computer monitoring, parental control, IT security enhancement, software/website usability testing, software testing & debugging, knowledge base building, staff training, workflow reviewing and productivity boosting.



- General-purpose computer monitoring - not limited to any protocols

- Point-to-point computer monitoring - no central server is required

- 3 ways to deploy client program - local, remote and group policy

- 24/7 continuous screen recording - never lose any details

- 20 fps video screen recording - not just some screenshots

- Super-fast screen playback - review daylong recording in minutes

- Auto application marks - review the use of an application easily

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发布日期: 2015-10-05