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Digital Juice Texture Toolkit 5 Real World DVD9的图片1


Digital Juice

发行的商业级动态影视素材–电视台,影视公司,广告公司等专用的动态影视素材,影视制作和影视后期设计人员必备的专业素材。它是一套专业的影视后期素材 被广泛的各影视制作公司和电视台!“巧妇难为无米之炊”,没有素材的支持,创作便成了无源之水,无本之木。精彩的创意最终需要素材来构建。而且,丰富、精美的素材会极大地激发你的创作灵感。以具体、精美的素材为基础的创意,必然产生高效率的制作和完美的艺术作品。影视制作和影视后期设计人员的佳品!

Digital Juice Texture Toolkit 5 Real World DVD9-SUNiSO

D0: 6.36GB | D1: 5.88GB

Building on the popularity and usefulness of the first four Texture Toolkits, Texture Toolkit Collection 5: Real World takes the super high resolution seamless texture to a whole new level of realism with 800 unique examples of photorealistic real-world materials - producing a genuine, organic, tactile look and feel for this collection. From the smooth, sleek and shiny to the broken, hard and gritty aspects of the real world, this collection will force you to face reality like nothing else can. And you now have the ability to bring this reality to your productions like never before.

发布日期: 2013-05-12