CG数据库 >> FormZ Pro x64

formZ 是市面上最强大的3D绘图软体之一,FORMZ是一个备受赞赏、具有很多广泛而独特的2D/3D形状处理和凋塑功能的多用途实体和平面建模软件。

FormZform•Z pro is a powerful 3D design application featuring a variety of modeling personalities and tools with an easy to use interface to express and communicate your imagination.

It is based on advanced 3D solid and surface modeling methods that maintain accurate representations as you progress from design to visualization, layout, animation and fabrication.

form•Z 8introducessubdivision modelingas a new personality toform•Z's diverse modeling capabilities.

Subdivision modeling is a method for creating unique organic forms.

These organic models start from a simple base cage that can be dynamically manipulated and reformed with a new suite of tools that provide operations like grow, stretch, bridge, squeeze and offset.

Subdivision models are parametric allowing for continued manipulation as well as dynamic control of the surface resolution.

The subdivision tools are also useful for quickly smoothing or softening a facetted model. Subdivision objects can be converted to NURBS for additional manipulation and evaluation usingform•Z's extensive NURBS tools. Subdivision objects work great with3D printingas they produce regular meshes that tend to give excellent results with popular 3D printers. Useful for tensile structures, organic surfaces ranging from exotic roofs to character meshes, these new tools makeform•Zmore versatile than ever before!The newRound to Holdlinetool generates a round between two (or more) faces of an object.

The object can be a surface or a solid object.

The round is defined with a holdline curve that lies on the surface.

The variable radius of the round along the edge will be determined by the holdline, see example below.

Theform•Zinteractive display modes have been completely rewritten to take advantage of modern OpenGL capabilities. This is most noticeable inShaded Full displaymode with newreal-time ambient occlusion,bump mapping,soft shadowsandmulti samplingfeatures.

These improvements aid in real-time visualization and design evaluation as they yield better depth perception and spatial definition.

The image to the right illustrates the effect of these new features.


FormZ Pro x64的图片1

发布日期: 2019-03-25