CG数据库 >> 3D Character Walk Cycle Animation with Maya for Beginners

3D Character Walk Cycle Animation with Maya for Beginners的图片1

Udemy – 3D Character Walk Cycle Animation with Maya for Beginners


Udemy – 3D Character Walk Cycle Animation with Maya for Beginners


An effective 3d walk cycle animation sequence for beginners (using The Bean Sprout F3R3 Method)

The difficulty in creating a realistic 3d walk cycle animation is juggling with human mechanics and the principles of animation at the same time. This can be challenging especially for beginners who are learning animation and new to the software Maya.

Fortunately, with the right approach, 3d walk cycle animation can be done effectively with realistic result in just 3 hours.

These are the main key points we want to include in our walk cycle animation:

发布日期: 2015-09-05