CG数据库 >> SSDLife Pro / Ultrabook 2.5.82

SSDLife Pro / Ultrabook 2.5.82的图片1

SSDLife Pro是俄罗斯BinarySense Inc.出品的一款SSD固态硬盘检测工具。SSDLife可以检测到SSD的使用时间,"健康"资料以及其余命;SSDLife支持多家厂商的SSD产品,其中当然包括Intel、Vertex、Kingston、OCZ等著名厂家。SSDLife Free(免费版)更侧重于SSD固态硬盘的健康状态侦测。





· SmartCheck – 检查程序的启动和退出SSD如期的健康状况(每4小时),如果健康没有变化,显示健康的变化消息。



SSDlife Pro 2.x Multilingual + Portable | 9.2 MB

SSDlife is a small and intuitive SSD diagnostic tool that helps users obtain comprehensive information about their SSD drives and take timely action if any problems are detected. If you take SSD's seriously and have replaced hard drives with SSD units, don't forget that their life expectancy is considerably shorter than that of regular hard drives. So if you want to know the approximate time frame for the swap, SSDlife will be a perfect choice.

Function SSDlife

• Show general information about SSD

• Show technical information about SSD

• Check SSD health status working in background

• SmartCheck™ - check SSD health status on schedule (each 4 hours) on program startup and exit if no changes in health, shows message only if health changes.

• Show S.M.A.R.T. attributes in program window

• Show detailed online SSD health status report online

OS :

Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8


: Multilingual

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SSDLife Pro / Ultrabook 2.5.82

发布日期: 2014-09-09