Properly managing a drawing is essential to being productive in AutoCAD. In this
AutoCAD 2014 Essentials
course, author Jeff Bartels concentrates on the tools and features dedicated to organizing and editing geometry in AutoCAD. Learn how to make selections, create and adjust layers, emphasize objects using hatch patterns, and scale, explode, and join elements. The course also includes lessons on creating fillets and chamfers, copying existing objects into rectangular or circular patterns, and accessing specialized tools that make measurements and calculations a lot easier. At the end, a challenge drawing is provided to test your skills.
Topics include:
Adding and removing from selections
Stretching elements
Creating mirrored copies
Leveraging grips
Editing hatch patterns
Using layers to organize a drawing
Changing layer states
Understanding the BYLAYER property
Taking measurements
Automating calculations with the Quick Calculator
Constructing a multi-view part
发布日期: 2013-09-10