CG数据库 >> Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5

Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5的图片1

英巴卡迪诺 RAD Studio XE是终极应用程序开发套件,能以最快速方式为Windows、Mac OS X、 .NET、 PHP、 Web和移动设备可视化开发数据丰富、界面美观的跨平台应用程序。RAD Studio包含Delphi、C++Builder 和RadPHP,使开发人员能以5倍速跨多种桌面、移动平台、Web和数据库平台交付应用,包括用Delphi开发64位Windows应用程序。


使用RAD Studio XE2,只需使用Delphi撰写应用程序代码一次,就可同时针对Windows和Mac目标平台进行编译,还可为iOS开发应用程序。 C++Builder应用程序可同时被编译到Windows和Mac平台。而是要RadPHP,可以轻松地为Web开发应用程序。RAD Studio XE2应用程序可被编译为简单而执行效率高的可执行程序,易于分发和部署。


使用RAD工具可以快速开发出可视化原型。在开始正式的开发之前,您可通过实际的GUI原型获得客户的即时反馈。RAD Studio XE2还带有上千个内置的可扩展组件,这增加了可重用性,并且加速您的开发过程。

Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5的图片2


RAD Studio XE2所带的应用开发平台VCL和FireMonkey,能帮助开发人员快速开发具有更高质量用户界面和丰富的数据和服务连通性的商业程序。VCL框架用于构建传统的Win32和Win64基于窗体的GUI应用程序,它主要利用Windows操作系统及其API,例如GDI来绘制UI。 FireMonkey是富商业应用平台,使开发人员能在Windows、Mac和iOS平台上可视化开发绚丽的高清和3D商业应用程序,同时具有不可思议的高性能。


在您使用RAD Studio时,您的应用就具有了高速连接主流数据库的内在能力。 使用Windows服务器创建多层应用程序,并支持多种操作系统上的客户端。您还可连接到广泛的各种数据和服务上。

Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 | 4.9 Gb

Embarcadero Technologies, a leading provider of software solutions for application and database development, announced the availability of RAD Studio XE5, a multi-language, multi-device, and multi-database application development suite, now with Android and iOS support.

What's New in RAD Studio XE5

RAD Studio XE5 delivers the best in multi-device development for PCs, tablets and smartphones. Use the new features of RAD Studio XE5 to deliver apps for Android, iOS, Windows and Mac; connect with more data, more easily, and much more!

New Features in RAD Studio XE5

Delphi Android ARM compiler for device and emulator

FM platform for creating native Android applications for Gingerbread (2.3.3 – 2.3.7), Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3, 4.0.4) and Jelly Bean (4.1.x, 4.2.x, 4.3.x*).

iOS 7 SDK support and style

Time Picker control for Android, iOS, Windows and OS X

Notification Center component for Android and iOS

Built-in search filtering for TListView on Android, iOS, Windows and OS X

Swipe to delete on Android and iOS

Share sheet support on Android and iOS

FM Platform performance optimizations

Delphi RTL for Android

Deployment Manager for Android

Deploy apps to the emulator for Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean

Deploy apps to Android devices (Debug / App Store)

Remote debugging for Android

Professional edition includes expanded FireDAC support for local databases, including Microsoft Access database, SQLite database, InterBase ToGo / IBLite, InterBase on localhost, MySQL Embedded, MySQL Server on localhost, Advantage Database local engine, PostgreSQL on localhost, Firebird Embedded, and Firebird on localhost

IBLite embeddable database for Android and iOS with free unlimited deployment license

REST Client support for simplified invocation of REST services

Authorization support including Basic Authentication, Plan Authentication, OAuth1, OAuth2

TRestClient, TRestRequest, and TRestResponse components

REST Debugger tool for testing REST calls and their parameters

Multi-select in the Deployment Manager

Easily accessible IDE Insight search box

Device Manager to manage and select the default device in the FM Mobile Form designer

HTML5 Builder updated libraries (PhoneGap, jQuery Mobile, jQuery and ThemeRoller)

...and more!

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发布日期: 2013-09-12