新的手机吸引买家,但大家都知道,一个新的手机几乎是无法使用的,因为它是空的,无法拨打电话或发短信,可以执行。 为了把目前所有的新手机中的联系人也相当复杂。 导入Facebook或其他社交网络没有帮助,因为有很少可用的移动电话号码。 从SIM卡导入“是不够的,因为它有一个非常有限的14个字符的名称与一个电话号码列表。 最新的电话号码是唯一的地方,在手机的内存中存储的联系人列表。 它被由用户创建多年,不仅是电话号码,但也地址,照片,笔记,电子邮件。 这是真正的价值用户订立自己的手机。 你是不是愿意失去任何信息。 我们的电话复印机是完美的解决方案,因为它能够从几乎任何手机完整的联系人列表复制到一个新的手机,只需点击几下。
电话复印机可以帮助从数量庞大的手机用户可以迁移。 我们具有无可比拟的诀窍在该地区的手机管理软件,因为我们已经做了超过10年。 我们已经分析和开发支持几乎所有厂商的所有手机。 MOBILedit提取数据和了解数百个不同的协议,我们的技术被称为是黄金标准在世界各地的依赖美国军方,联邦调查局,国土安全部,美国中央情报局只是个开始。 它允许用户阅读手机本地PC上通过经典线,蓝牙或红外连接以及手机数据上传到互联网云和下载内容到目标手机。
- 专业的手机和SIM卡的数据迁移工具
- 可在您的商店和服务中心或您的任何销售点
- 转让从他的老手机客户的数据到一个新的,只是单一的点击
- 跨平台支持
- 旧手机支持
- 有形介质上的备份或打印在纸上接触
MOBILedit! Phone Copier | 93.3 MB
New phones are tempting for buyers, but everybody knows that a new phone is practically unusable as it is empty; no calls or text messaging can be executed. To put all current contacts in the new phone is also pretty complicated. Import from Facebook or other social networks doesn't help as there are rarely available mobile phone numbers. Import from SIM is not enough as it has a very limited list of 14 character names with a single phone number. The only place with up-to-date phone numbers is the contact list stored in the mobile phone's memory. It is being created by users for years with not only phone numbers but also addresses, photos, notes, emails. That's true value users entered into their phones. And you are not willing to lose any of this information. Our Phone Copier is the perfect solution as it is able to copy complete contact lists from almost any phone to a new phone with just a few clicks.
The Phone Copier can help migrate from a huge number of phones users could have. We have incomparable know-how in the area of phone management software as we've been doing it for more than 10 years. We have analyzed and developed support for almost all phones from all manufacturers. Our technology of extracting data and understanding hundreds of different protocols is called MOBILedit and is the gold standard around the world as its relied upon by the US military, FBI, DHS, and CIA just for starters. It allows users to read phones locally on a PC through a classic cable, Bluetooth or infrared connection as well as upload phone data to an internet cloud and download content to a target phone.
- Professional tool for migrating data from phones and SIM cards
- Can be used in your shops and service centers or any of your points of sale
- Transfer customer's data from his old phone to a new one with just single click
- Cross platform support
- Old phones support
- Make a backup on tangible media or print contacts on paper
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MOBILedit! Phone Copier
发布日期: 2014-08-27