CG数据库 >> Majestic Nights Chapter 2 MacOSX-ACTiVATED

20世纪80年代的美国,是一个阴谋论盛行的时期,发生了许多骇人听闻的历史事件:费城实验、51区、刺杀肯尼迪、水门事件…现实生活已经如此复杂,想不到还有游戏以这样的阴谋论为主题,但是由 Epiphany Games 开发的角色扮演游戏Majestic Nights 《庄严之夜》就是要剑走偏锋。

《庄严之夜》的游戏背景设定在1980年代,玩家在游戏中要通过自己的洞察力和判断力,与知情人士进行交谈、在各地暗暗进行调查和探险,还会出现需要潜行以及枪战的时候,否则如何在乱世生存下来,得知真相。游戏的设计灵感源于 Epiphany 的总裁 Morgan Lean 的想法,他曾经在研究“秘密政府”的过程中发现许多被保密的内容,好奇心让他无法自拔,因此才制作出了这款游戏。

游戏的序言章节“黄昏后的日落”(Sunset After Dark),讲述的是政府特工四处追寻一名电影导演,他手上有证据可以证明当初的“阿波罗11号”任务是在好莱坞的摄影棚中拍摄的!序言章节预计将于今年9月份免费发布,值得注意的是《庄严之夜》一共包括7个章节,喜欢的玩家们就请耐心等待吧。

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Majestic Nights is an episodic action-adventure-thriller set in an alternate 1980s where all conspiracy theories, past and present, are True.

You play as Cardholder: an intelligence operative who may or may not have been present at or even responsible for many of the biggest conspiracy events in history; and Cal, a humble Private Investigator whose own past is shrouded in secrets unknown even to herself.

With fast, light mechanics, the game has been developed to engross players in a shadowy world of conspiracy with an over-the-top 1980s aesthetic. Players will use wits, stealth and sometimes even a little force to investigate, explore, and acquire ever more clues for their big string-covered wall of conspiracies.

Season One of Majestic Nights takes place over six chapters, which work as a complete story or as standalone experiences. ‘Chapter Zero’, a prologue to the series, will be made available for free. Each subsequent chapter of the core series will be paid, and season passes will also be available.

Majestic Nights Chapter 2 MacOSX-ACTiVATED的图片2


Isometric Action Adventure Gameplay

Real-time stealth and combat mechanics

Investigate and collect evidence to reveal the Truth

Big hair!

A vibrant alternative 1980s setting

A world full of conspiracy theories and government plots where everything you know is wrong

Controller support for platforms including PC, Mac

Nazi aliens!

A gripping, six episode story

Alternate story paths to explore

Puzzles, minigames and more!

Kick-ass original 1980s soundtrack

‘Chapter Zero’, a prologue to the core season, will be available free before launch

More Truth than any other game!

Season Pass will be available on all platforms (and comes with the soundtrack!)

Steam Achievements


Majestic Nights Chapter 2 MacOSX-ACTiVATED的图片3


Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG


Epiphany Games


Epiphany Games

Release Name:

Majestic Nights Chapter 2 MacOSX-ACTiVATED


422,96 MB






发布日期: 2015-11-10