FontAgent Pro: 字体修正和管理的工具,可以消除字体错误。FontAgentPro可以寻找﹑分析﹑汇报你所有字体的情况,并修复错误的字体、增加字体、删除重复字体和编辑字库。这个版本的FontAgentPro有许多改进:使程序更易用,更好地修改﹑提升和组织字体。
FontAgent Pro v6.010 MacOSX | 125 MB
The V6 release of FontAgent Pro continues its leadership role in testing, managing and viewing your font collection. No font manager does more to improve your creativity and productivity. And now, FontAgent Pro 6 adds a new Workflow Center, support for the latest Apple and Adobe Creative Cloud and Suite technologies, 1350+ fonts, faster search and integrity engines, and a bundled copy of new Smasher 3 to keep your creative workflow and Mac running smoothly.
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发布日期: 2014-11-06