日本 KADOKAWA 宣布,将于2015年圣诞节前后推出支持手机和Mac等多种平台的 PC/Mac 用RPG制作工具《RPG制作大师MV》。
RPG Maker是一款Enterbrain Incorporation公司出品的RPG游戏制作工具,虽然这款软件从面世到现在为止已经长达十几年,但依然在个人独立游戏领域享誉盛名。相信很多人都在心中构思过一些故事剧本,在如今,通过游戏表现出来有时会比纯粹的文字更容易引起反响。而相比写故事,制作游戏就不那么容易了。而RPG Maker无需高深的编程基础,只要认真的学习软件使用方式,具有一定的程序逻辑思维,很快就可以进行原创游戏的设计了,无论是目前游戏行业的就职者还是业余游戏制作者都感受过它独特的魅力。
RPG Maker MV 1.x | 1.3 Gb
ENTERBRAIN, INC., a developer of the RPG Maker series, has released the 1.0.1 version of RPG Maker MV, the latest in their ongoing series of DIY RPG maker suites.
RPG MAKER was born to fulfill the desire of creating an original RPG without programming knowledge. Four years have passed since the release of the previous RPGMAKER, VX Ace. The landscape of gaming, especially for RPGs, has changed greatly. So did the needs of our users. With the latest installment, RPGMAKER MV allows the dreams of many of its fans to come true! RPGMAKER can now create RPGs for MacOSX, Android and iPhone!
Sample Data Included
To help everyone create a game easily, we included some sample datas that you can easily use! We have over 100 Sample Maps, Character Generator Parts and more! RTP is now integrated in the engine to save the users trouble.
Javascript to create complex games
RPG Maker MV uses the well known JavaScript, in combination with HTML5 export. By mastering Javascript, you will be able to change the game to your liking, from Battles to Menu UIs. This feature is oriented to experienced developers. You now have the ability to control all parts of the game. No more hidden classes!
Multiplatform Distribution & Mac Support
You can now create your own RPG Maker games on Macintosh. It will be released at the same time as the Windows version. RPG Maker MV users will be able to build games for the following platforms:
- Windows/EXE
- Android/APK
- HTML 5 for Web Browsers
More info:
The developer of the RPG Maker series, Enterbrain is also involved in the publishing of magazines and books for video games and general entertainment, RPG Maker software and applications development, Internet-based information service and broadcast media, mobile phone website service, video production, live video content distribution, planning and producing goods, game data tracking service, game marketing, licensing, and event planning.
About Degica
Degica is the International Publisher of the RPG Maker series. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, Degica is a leading provider of Pan-Pacific digital commerce solutions. To this end, Degica builds and manages online businesses for software and game publishers, online retailers, and distributors who are looking to maintain and expand their presence in Japan, China, Taiwan, and Korea.
Degica's multi-channel digital commerce platform supports direct sales and includes extensive reseller networks in the local markets to help maximize revenues and profits while reducing operational costs and risks for companies of all sizes. We proudly provide development services, website and webshop hosting, order tracking, 100% local payment solutions, strategic local marketing and press services, customer service, and logistical support for physical product warehousing and deliveries of product sales to consumers.
RPG Maker
(32bit) MV
7even / 8 / 8.1 / 10
1.3 Gb
发布日期: 2016-05-18