CG数据库 >> STOIK Color By Number

STOIK Color By Number的图片1

STOIK Color By Number | 13 MB

STOIK Color by Number program - it’s smart paint by numbers software, that let’s you convert photo to a paint-by-number pattern. Stoik Color by Number – this is paint by numbers software for adults and for kids. Make your own color by number pages and worksheets!

Children and adults like to paint by numbers. Just pick crayons and brushes and follow the dots and lines with every picture to choose the right colors and create a perfect image. If you want to print out color by numbers page, just do it!

Just scan the photo or load graphics file from disk, choose the brand of paints/crayons to be used and the program will convert photo to a paint-by-number pattern optimized for the palette you have chosen. Paint color numbers! You can also print the pattern together with color key (number coloring).

Simplified paint-by-number pattern creation process.

1. Open any image file or acquire picture from scanner or camera.

2. Choose paint palette. Program will convert your picture to paint-by-number outline pattern optimized for paint/crayon palette of your choice.

3. Print your pattern (color by number printable). You can print it together with color key.

4. Enjoy the coloring and painting!

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发布日期: 2015-11-26