Vitamin-R一个好功能就是他的 Now&Later pad, 这个功能主要是由四个即时贴组成的,分别是objective pad, now pad, later pad 和 scratch pad 。
每个即时贴的功能各不相同,第一个是用来记录清晰的目标; 第二个主要是用来记录与现在所做事情有关想法,第三个是用来记录你现在冒出来的但是可以后面再处理的想法,第四个是记录无法归类到前三类的想法。
这个系统 的设计是为了保证我们的注意力集中在当前事情上,同时又不会丢掉可能蹦出来的好想法。
Vitamin-R v2.xMac OS X | 16.2 MBVitamin-R creates the optimal conditions for your brain to work at its best by structuring your work into short bursts of distraction-free, highly focused activity alternating with opportunities for renewal, reflection and intuition.
The built-in task logging and statistics features create a positive momentum towards productivity by providing visible feedback on your progress and achievements.
Time Slice Your WorkVitamin-R breaks down large, vaguely defined tasks into a series of short "time slices" of between 10 and 30 minutes, each with specific, easily reachable and actionable objectives.
During these time slices it keeps you focused on accomplishing only this one objective and provides you with mechanisms for dealing with interruptions, poor concentration, etc.
Get StartedVitamin-R concentrates on getting you started allowing you to break through the resistance of procrastination and create a positive feedback loop of small achievements that get you closer to your ultimate aims.
You will experience less stress caused by looming deadlines and a lack of clear direction, thus enabling you to enjoy guilt-free breaks that allow your intuition and creativity to emerge.
Find Your RhythmEach one of us is different.
Finding out what works best for you is the key to true productivity.
Vitamin-R helps you by giving you the tools to gain more awareness of how you spend your time, what works for you and what does not.
Armed with this new knowledge, you can eliminate unproductive work patterns and discover the work rhythm that suits you best.
Get It Out of Your Head QuicklyDid you know that your short term memory can only hold 4-6 "chunks" of information? The slightest interruption and it's all gone and you have to start from scratch.
That's why Vitamin-R provides you with the "Now & Later Board", complete with FastType magic, to give you a place to quickly dump all those things that go through your head and allow you to quickly return to your task.
Make It Your OwnVitamin-R plugs into your life rather than trying to take it over.
You can use it occasionally to overcome procrastination or mental blocks or re-organize your entire working life around the concepts that it embodies.
It complements rather than replaces traditional to-do list managers, such as Things or OmniFocus for which direct integrations exist.
Now With Cloud Synching!If you routinely work on multiple Macs, you willlove Vitamin-R's new ability to effortlessly synch your time slice log across the cloud using the free Dropbox service.
Setup is as easy as ticking a checkbox.
发布日期: 2018-08-23