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Mathworks Matlab R2013b X64的图片1






R2013b X64 | 7.2 Gb

MathWorks announced Release 2013b (R2013b) of its MATLAB and Simulink product families. R2013b delivers new analysis, design, code generation and implementation and other features in MATLAB and Simulink, two new Polyspace products, as well as updates to 79 other products.

R2013b Product List:


Simulink 8.2

Aerospace Blockset 3.12

Aerospace Toolbox 2.12

Bioinformatics Toolbox 4.3.1

Communications System Toolbox 5.5

Computer Vision System Toolbox 5.3

Control System Toolbox 9.6

Curve Fitting Toolbox 3.4

DO Qualification Kit 2.2

DSP System Toolbox 8.5

Data Acquisition Toolbox 3.4

Database Toolbox 5.0

Datafeed Toolbox 4.6

Econometrics Toolbox 2.4

Embedded Coder 6.5

Filter Design HDL Coder 2.9.4

Financial Instruments Toolbox 1.2

Financial Toolbox 5.2

Fixed-Point Designer 4.1

Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 2.2.18 -

Gauges Blockset 2.0.8

Global Optimization Toolbox 3.2.4

HDL Coder 3.3

HDL Verifier 4.3

IEC Certification Kit 3.2

Image Acquisition Toolbox 4.6

Image Processing Toolbox 8.3

Instrument Control Toolbox 3.4

MATLAB Builder EX 2.4

MATLAB Builder JA 2.3

MATLAB Builder NE 4.2

MATLAB Coder 2.5

MATLAB Compiler 5.0

MATLAB Distributed Computing Server 6.3

MATLAB Production Server 1.0.2

MATLAB Report Generator 3.15

Mapping Toolbox 4.0

Model Predictive Control Toolbox 4.1.3

Model-Based Calibration Toolbox 4.6.1

Neural Network Toolbox 8.1

OPC Toolbox 3.3

Optimization Toolbox 6.4

Parallel Computing Toolbox 6.3

Partial Differential Equation Toolbox 1.3

Phased Array System Toolbox 2.1

Polyspace Bug Finder 1.0

Polyspace Code Prover 9.0

RF Toolbox 2.13

Real-Time Windows Target 4.3

Robust Control Toolbox 5.0

Signal Processing Toolbox 6.20

SimBiology 4.3.1

SimDriveline 2.5

SimElectronics 2.4

SimEvents 4.3.1

SimHydraulics 1.13

SimMechanics 4.3

SimPowerSystems 6.0

SimRF 4.1

Simscape 3.10

Simulink 3D Animation 7.0

Simulink Code Inspector 2.0

Simulink Coder 8.5

Simulink Control Design 3.8

Simulink Design Optimization 2.4

Simulink Design Verifier 2.5

Simulink PLC Coder 1.6

Simulink Report Generator 3.15

Simulink Verification and Validation 3.6

Spreadsheet Link EX 3.2

Stateflow 8.2

Statistics Toolbox 8.3

Symbolic Math Toolbox 5.11

System Identification Toolbox 8.3

SystemTest 2.6.6

Trading Toolbox 2.0

Vehicle Network Toolbox 2.1

Wavelet Toolbox 4.12

xPC Target 5.5

xPC Target Embedded Option 5.5

R2013b Release Highlights:


Mathworks Matlab R2013b X64的图片2

About MathWorks

MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software. MATLAB, the language of technical computing, is a programming environment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numeric computation. Simulink is a graphical environment for simulation and Model-Based Design for multidomain dynamic and embedded systems. Engineers and scientists worldwide rely on these product families to accelerate the pace of discovery, innovation, and development in automotive, aerospace, electronics, financial services, biotech-pharmaceutical, and other industries. MathWorks products are also fundamental teaching and research tools in the world's universities and learning institutions. Founded in 1984, MathWorks employs more than 2800 people in 15 countries, with headquarters in Natick, Massachusetts, USA.


Mathworks Matlab







Windows XP / Vista / Seven X64


7.2 Gb

Note: In share included two keys to set the Matlab. What toolboxes are installed, look at the screen.

Warning: This release only to users of

Windows 64bit.

Share will be updated as new releases.


发布日期: 2013-09-20