CG数据库 >> AlarmDroid Pro v1.13.2 Android

AlarmDroid Pro v1.13.2 Android的图片1


* 人性化的各类闹铃模式


* 自定义铃声及增加播放列表,可随机播放列表中的mp3文件

* 支持网络电台,播放电台音乐作为闹铃铃声

* 算术题模式:闹铃响起后需要解决一套算术题后才能选择继续贪睡或者停止闹铃

* 语音时钟功能,能够自定义语音内容,汇报时钟及天气情况(插件支持)

* 可隐藏贪睡/停止按钮,随时按屏幕任意地方继续贪睡或停止

* 翻转电话时可继续贪睡

* 摇动电话时停止闹铃

* 按下电源键继续打盹

* 天气预报功能(配合语音时钟和打盹模式)

AlarmDroid Pro v1.13.2

Android | .apk | 3.22mb

AlarmDroid Pro v1.13.2 Android的图片2

AlarmDroid is a feature-rich alarm clock application. It is created to give every Android-User the opportunity to wake up his(her) own way, not caring about whether he(she) is an early bird or a morning grouch.

AlarmDroid's special feature is the flip'n'snooze feature, which allows the user to turn the alarm clock back into snooze mode by turning over the phone. Further, it provides a speaking clock, which does not only announce the time but even the local weather conditions.

These and more features are waiting to be discovered by you! Even internet radio stations are supported as alarm tone.

Requires Android:


发布日期: 2013-09-20