QuarkXpress是Quark公司的产品之一。它被世界上先进的设计师,出版商和印刷厂用来制作:宣传手册,杂志,书本,广告,商品目录,报纸,包装,技术手册,年度报告,贺卡,刊物,传单,建议书,等等。它把专业排版、设计、彩色和图形处理功能、专业作图工具、文字处理、复杂的印前作业,等等,全部集成在一个应用软件中。跨平台兼容因为QuarkXPress有Mac IOS版本和Windows 版本,您可以方便地在跨平台环境下工作。两种版本的QuarkXPress可以互相读取对方的文件。所以您可以方便地在两种平台之间转换文件而不用担心文字重整,变换格式,或丢失图形。
(Win/Mac) | 195.6/282.8 MB
Creative expression requires the right tools and when it comes to professional results, details matter. QuarkXPress 10 has been redesigned from the inside out to deliver stunning graphics, virtuoso productivity features and a design canvas to accentuate your creativity. So whether you love print or live digital, XPress Yourself with QuarkXPress 10.
Adaptive Resolution
Designers no longer have to concern themselves with preview resolution settings and screen performance. Adaptive Resolution in QuarkXPress means the graphics are rendered in real time in the highest required resolution to match image zoom, crop and position. Text stays as text and vectors stay as vectors with no more low-resolution previews.
Leading-Edge Technology
The Xenon graphics engine in QuarkXPress 10 has been engineered from the ground up to leverage the latest in processor technology. It utilises the dedicated vector processors within each core of your hardware and supports multi-threading, SSE3 and Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX), so you can be confident in world-class graphics performance.
Graphics look stunning in QuarkXPress 10 thanks to a native and deep understanding of image and vector files. Pan and zoom to see graphics come to life.
Rich PDF
QuarkXPress 10 natively understands every aspect of placed PDFs within a layout. This includes fonts, vectors
, colour spaces, layers, transparency, blends, and gradients. Rather than work
ing with low-res PDF previews, PDFs are dyn
amically mapped to the Xenon object model and rendered in real-time. Not only does everything from text to radial blends look crisper, it outputs faster too.
Advanced Image Control
Control layers, blend modes, colour channels and clipping paths for placed Photoshop, TIFF* and PDF files all without leaving QuarkXPress using the new Advanced Image Control Palette.
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QuarkXPress 10.5 Multilingual Win/Mac
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发布日期: 2014-11-06