Pantaray Research开发的QSetup软件能让项目打包的过程更加快速和简便。使用其直观的菜单轻松处理您最具挑战性的安装任务。它能设置复杂精密的,基于条件的行为和即时从编辑器内部进行测试。
软件的执行引擎将能让你用一种简便和直观的方式来执行非常广泛的操作。其它同类安装软件如"InstallShield" 或 "Wise Install"需要用户执行非常复杂和耗时的脚本语言来完成操作。
QSetup的独特之处在于它能创建能自动从互联网进行更新的安装程序 - 当有新版本的软件发布时,用户能通过互联网获得最新的版本。您也可以仅仅自动通知用户有可用的新版本,并提醒他们通过常规的浏览更新软件。添加“自动更新”或“自动通知”功能到安装程序非常简便。整个过程能通过使用Qsetup直观的菜单完成,无需添加任何额外的程序代码到你的程序。
The idea behind Tokenized Serial Numbers是为了为您程序的每一个用户提供一个唯一的序列号,这个序列号基于你所提供的秘密的象征表示,以及由用户提供的一个“用户名”和/或 “公司名”。使用自定义的序列号功能能极大程度上减少软件盗版和增加销售。
Pantaray QSetup Installation Suite 12.x Professional Edition | 6 MB
QSetup is compatible with all 32-bit and 64-bit current Windows operating systems. Using QSetup Installation Suite you can build your installations to be fully compatible with the commercial release of Windows 8.0 and the upcoming Windows 8.1 32-bit & 64-bit. You have no time to lose. QSetup is Windows 8.1™ Ready!
No Programming Required
QSetup from Pantaray Research makes project packaging fast and easy using our "intuitive" menus. Our unique "Execute Engine" can handle your most challenging installation tasks. It's so easy No need to read any manual, five minutes with QSetup Installation Suite together with its online exclusive help and you can create your first Windows installer software.
Internet Ready, Self-Installing Executable
Automatically generate a single-file, self-installing executable. Distribute your software setup program on any size or format of media, including web, email, ftp, CD-ROM, DVD, network drive. QSetup can also create Split Setup, where you supply your customers with a small Setup Kernel that will download the rest of the setup file automatically from the Internet.
Compact Installation
QSetup designers made sure your program installation code size will be very small compared to other installers. Smaller code size contributes to faster downloads of programs distributed over the Internet.
Professional Impression
When your software setup program is finally delivered, your customer will enjoy a highly professional and smooth installation experience. QSetup dialogs are highly meticulous and well balanced, adding professional touch to your software delivery.
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发布日期: 2017-03-05