CG数据库 >> Mountain 1.6.6 MacOSX

Mountain Mac版是一款Mac平台管理磁盘/宗卷/映像的通知栏工具,我们可以通过此应用在系统通知栏上对磁盘/宗卷/映像进行快速管理。

功能介绍Mountain Mac版的软件功能如下:●Mountain可以安装、卸载或弹出驱动器与两个简单的点击。







Mountain 1.x (Mac OS X) | 5 MBWith Mountain you can mount, unmount or eject volumes with two single clicks.

Unmount a single volumes or eject all external volumes at once.

Unmounted volumes will be spinned down and can either be unpluged or reactivated in Mountain without the need to unplug the USB cable and plug it back in.

Automatically unmount external volumes when the system goes to sleep.

A list of recent server volumes provides easy access to network shares than can be re-mounted with a single click.

Your favourite server volumes even can be mounted automatically when your Mac comes back from sleep.

Mountain identifies applications that block volumes from being ejected and allows you to quit them right away.

Optionally Mountain will notify you whenever a volume becomes available or an external device can be unplugged safely.

A click on the notification will open the volume in Finder.

The Mountain menu bar icon will indicate if external volumes are connected or if you are clear to unplug all device cables including network connections.

Global hotkeys provide fast access to unmount and mount all external volumes at once.

RequirementsIntel, 64-bit processorOS X 10.6 or later-

Mountain 1.6.6 MacOSX的图片1

发布日期: 2018-07-28