CG数据库 >> Dynafont OpenType Fonts 127 Retail Win/Mac

Dynafont OpenType Fonts 127 Retail Win/Mac的图片1

Dynafont OpenType Fonts 127 Retail (Win/Mac) | 1.1 GB

This package includes 115 Traditional Chinese OpenType Fonts; 6 Simplifed Chinese OpenType fonts (encoding GB); 6 Simplified Chinese OpenType fonts (encoding GB5). The OpenType font file format is an ideal tool for creating design projects that require Traditional Chinese and English.

Key Features:

- The fonts can be embedded and outlined

- It can be installed and used alongside PostScript Type 1 and TrueType fonts

- Compatible with Adobe InDesign, and other Adobe applications.

- 14,650 compatible Chinese, English, symbols, etc. for each font

- The font you use is the font you will see printed. The fonts are automatically downloaded to the printer; no need to contend with printer fonts

2 Discs | Compatible with Adobe InDesign, and other Adobe apps | Chinese, English, symbols, etc. for each font.

发布日期: 2016-01-28