CG数据库 >> Design Science MathType 6.9b Build 15120800

Design Science MathType 6.9b Build 15120800的图片1

Design Science 出品的MathType是一个强大的交互式数学工具输入工具。它将变革您建立包含数学公式的打印及网页基础文档的方式。MathType可以工作在任何的字处理软件、演示程序、页面程序、HTML-编辑工具、及其它的类型的软件,用来建立公式。

Design Science MathType 6.x0 | 10.4 MB

MathType is a powerful interactive tool for Windows and Macintosh that lets you create mathematical notation for word processing, web pages, desktop publishing, presentations, and for TeX, LaTeX, and MathML documents.

More Symbols, Templates, and Fonts

- More Fonts: MathType has hundreds more symbols and templates than Equation Editor. Beside our exclusive Euclid™ math fonts, you can also make use of the 1000's of math symbols in fonts already on your computer, as well as math fonts you can download from the Internet.

- Find Symbols: MathType's Insert Symbol dialog allows you to explore the available symbols and insert them with a click or keystroke.

Works with Many Applications:

- Many Applications: In addition to Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, use MathType to add equations to QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign layouts, Excel spreadsheets, HTML pages, and many more applications and document types.

- Works with Wikipedia: Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia, contains 1000's of pages with mathematical equations. Once you do your research on Wikipedia, you can copy the relevant equations for use in your own work. You can also use MathType to author new equations for Wikipedia.

- Many Ways to Work: MathType can add equations to virtually any application that has an Insert Object command or into which you can paste or drag a graphic.

Two Ways to Create Equations:

- Point-and-Click Editing with Automatic Formatting: Equations can be created quickly by choosing templates from MathType's palettes and typing into their empty slots. MathType applies mathematical spacing rules automatically as you type.

- Type TeX or LaTeX: If you already know the TeX typesetting language, you can enter equations quickly using MathType's TeX input mode. TeX editing can be mixed with point-and-click editing so you get the best of both worlds. You can also paste in equations from existing TeX documents.

Saves Time:

- Save Expressions in the Toolbar: Drag frequently used equations and expressions to the MathType toolbar so they can be inserted later with just a click or a keystroke.

- Keyboard Shortcuts: MathType has customizable keyboard shortcuts for virtually every symbol, template, and command.

Easier to Use:

- Microsoft Office 2007 — MathType Ribbon Tab in Word and PowerPoint: MathType takes full advantage of Office 2007's new Ribbon User Interface making it easier than ever to do equation operations in documents and presentations. New equation numbering and browse features work with all Word equation types.

- Microsoft Office 2003, XP (2002), and 2000 — MathType Toolbar and Menu in Word and PowerPoint: MathType adds a toolbar and menu to Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, allowing quick access to its features and powerful commands to do equation numbering, produce great-looking math web pages, presentations, and much more.

Better Results:

- Color: Coloring an equation can make it stand out. Use color to highlight part of an equation and focus your students' attention on it. Show what changed in each step of a multi-step procedure.

OS :

Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP


: English

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发布日期: 2016-02-27