CG数据库 >> Animation Master v17.0g MacOSX

Animation Master v17.0g MacOSX的图片1

Animation Master是一套功能强大,而且号称不用特别的训练就可以制作出专业的3D图片或是动画,因为系统内建一流的雕塑工具及提供了相当多的模组,让你可以快速的建立你所要的图片动画。

Animation Master v17.0g Mac OS X | 46.5 MB

Hash Animation:Master (A:M) is a fully featured, intuitive, fun to learn and use 3D animation software package. It has been created to make 3D animation affordable and easy enough for everyone – no matter if you are an anima­tion expert at home or new to animation in general. Its permanent pricetag is as good as unbeatable and and its professional easy-to-use tools are often industry-leading.

What can I do with it?

A:M is a complete, full-featured 3D animation software package. You can create literally anything – illustration stills of objects, animation shorts, product designs, archi­tectual visualizations, special effects and even feature-length films.

No matter if you want to create an animation movie, a music video for your band or just tell a short story:

A:M can do it!

Is there a feature list?

A complete feature list would be too long to show you here – after all, we would be talking about hundreds (or even thousands) of features! The following list, however, should give you a basic idea of what A:M can do for you.


Patch based modeling (no inefficient polygons)

3, 4, and 5-point patches and hooks

Loft, "Copy Flip Attach", Lathe and Extrude functions

"Sweeper", "Extruder", "Grid", "Font", "Terrain" and many more included wizards.

Mirror, Magnet and Distortion modes

...and much more!

Texturing & Materials

Easy-to-use texture-tools useable like "stamps"

Projection and UV-based materials

UV editor and optional 3D painting software

Mathematical based, procedural material system

Fluid, hair, sprites and streak particle systems

...and much more!


Non-linear animation system

Extensive Constraints system (IK / FK)

Bone animation with weights and "SmartSkins"

Pose and Expression based animation

Cloth, Rigid-Body and Hair simulation

Grooming-Mode for hair-guide styling and animation

Free, extensive rigs available.

...and much more!

Lighting & Rendering

Global Illumination, Radiosity and Caustics

Ambient Occlusion and Image Based Lightening

Sub Surface Scattering and extensive Shader library

Multi-Pass HDRI in & output with Buffers (EXR-format)

Netrender for batch-rendering with multiple computers included. (GUI-based, 4 nodes included)

...and much more!

发布日期: 2013-10-02