Get more from your data through creating practical machine learning systems with Python About This Book Build your own Python-based machine learning systems tailored to solve any problem Discover how Python offers a multiple context solution for create machine learning systems Practical scenarios using the key Python machine learning libraries to successfully implement in your projects Who This Book Is For This book primarily targets Python developers who want to learn and use Python’s machine learning capabilities and gain valuable insights from data to develop effective solutions for business problems. What You Will Learn Build a classification system that can be applied to text, images, or sounds Use NumPy, SciPy, scikit-learn a€“ scientific Python open source libraries for scientific computing and machine learning Explore the mahotas library for image processing and computer vision Build a topic model for the whole of Wikipedia Employ Amazon Web Services to run analysis on the cloud Debug machine learning problems Get to grips with recommendations using basket analysis Recommend products to users based on past purchases
Building Machine Learning Systems with Python-P2P
English | 2015 | 326 Pages | ISBN: 1784392774 | PDF/EPUB | 6 MB/9 MB
发布日期: 2016-06-28