CG数据库 >> HISS and a ROAR Granular IRL WAV

HISS and a ROAR Granular IRL WAV的图片1

HISS and a ROAR Granular IRL WAV | 6.66 Gb

We decided to explore the concept of granular DSP synthesis and processing, except in the real world: finding props and environments where we could generate and manipulate sound at an elemental level, working with grains of sound, scaleable and physical. Check out the making of video to get a better idea of the sounds we’ve pursued, and the resulting 12GB library.

Elements scaled from grains of rice, plastic & glass beads, pumpkin seeds & marbles through to pebbles, stones, rocks, potatoes, pumpkins, rain sticks, a machete, footsteps, metal pipes & a shovel. Resonating surfaces and environments include two steel/pan drums, antique zither, acoustic guitar, floor tom, metal pots, copper bucket, plastic bin, a snare drum, a subwoofer, a dry river bed and a granite cliff face.

发布日期: 2016-08-04