CG数据库 >> Runtastic Six Pack Abs Workout 1.0.2 Android

Runtastic Six Pack Abs Workout 1.0.2 Android的图片1

这款Runtastic Six Pack六块腹肌教练,练习和定制锻炼方案软件并且今天就让RUNTASTIC来练就你自己的身材吧!Runtastic的漫画人物以高质量,HD高清视频带领你完成高强度,个性化定制的核心肌群锻炼方案。让你的借口滚蛋吧,来练就你一直梦寐以求的好身材。。。。。。健身不是一刀切的,同样你的健身训练也不应该是这样的!


没有时间来健身锻炼?没有足够的钱来请一位个人教练?不确定如何以一个安全有效的方式来完成新的练习?这款Runtastic Six Pack Abs Trainer, Exercises & Custom Workouts六块腹肌教练练习和定制锻炼方案软件就是来提走你的借口的! 逼真的漫画人物, Daniel 和Angie在50多个HD高清教学视频中带领并帮助你练就你一直梦寐以求的平坦小腹,提高核心肌群力量和整体健身水平。今天就来下载这款Runtastic Six Pack六块腹肌软件并来练就从未有过的好身材!


* 男女漫画人物带领你一步步完成大量的核心肌群练习

* 50多个HD(1080p)高清腹肌健身训练教学视频

* 可调节的运动难度,三个科学训练的等级

* 六块腹肌的10周训练计划

* 预定义的健身训练,包括: 7分钟,Insanity(疯狂健身),Shape Up(形态训练),

Six Pack Junkie(六块腹肌迷)及更多健身训练

* 我的健身训练:为你的目标区域,减肥目标和日程表创建个性化定制的锻炼方案

* 为你的个人健身水平筛选练习

* 60多个独特的“每日小贴士”消息

* 可在智能手机和tablets上运作

* 完全不需健身器材– 在任何时间,任何地方都能使用这款仰卧起坐软件

* 提高整体健身水平,肌肉力量以及纤体塑身,稳定度和体重管理

* 使用详细图像来追踪六块腹肌训练进程和整体进展

* 把健身成绩,照片和小贴士分享到Facebook 和Twitter上

* 鼓励用户把所有的活动上传至

*** 一些软件功能仅在完整版可获取


* 传统的sit-ups(仰卧起坐)

* Cross-body crunch(交体卷腹)

* Oblique crunch(侧卷腹)

* Planks (平板支撑)

* Mountain climbers(登山步)

* Hip drops(放臀)

* Leg raises(提腿)

* Core twist(核心肌群旋转)

* Side bridge(侧面向平板支撐)

* 大量不同种类的仰卧起坐及更多!

无论你是一个营养学和健身迷,一位忙碌的家庭主妇或总是奔波在路上的商务旅行者–这款Runtastic Six Pack六块腹肌软件对于你都将是完美的选择!跟随我们的教学视频和简单易用的计划吧 - 在任何时间,任何地点来达到你一直梦寐以求的减肥,减掉肚子及获得平坦的腹部的目的。

记住:不要把你的艰苦锻炼,疯狂的六块腹肌训练成绩保密起来哦!把你完成了的运动进程,个性化定制的“我的健身锻炼”的结果,健身照片和最喜爱的“每日小贴士”通过Facebook 和Twitter分享到网上。

Keywords: 腹肌,六块腹肌,仰卧起坐,卷腹,核心肌群,肌肉,训练,健身,体重,减肥,瘦身,平坦,小腹,,胃,肚子,肚腩,心肺功能,纤体塑身,节食,循环训练,强度,等级,教练,身材,脂肪,燃脂,定制,锻炼,方案

Runtastic Six Pack Abs Workout 1.0.2

Runtastic | 17 oct. 2013 | Android | .apk | 45.64 Mb

Download Runtastic Six Pack Abs Trainer, Exercises & Workouts and DEFINE YOURSELF WITH RUNTASTIC today! Follow the lead of the Runtastic avatars in high-quality, HD videos to complete intense, customized core workouts. Tell your excuses to hit the road and get the body you’ve always dreamed of… Fitness is not one size fits all, and your workouts shouldn’t be either!


No time for a workout? Not enough cash to hire a personal trainer? Unsure how to complete new exercises in a safe, effective manner? Runtastic is here to kick your excuses to the curb with the Runtastic Six Pack Abs Trainer, Exercises & Workouts app! Lifelike avatars, Daniel and Angie, guide you in 50+ HD tutorial videos to help you get the flat stomach, core strength and overall fitness you’ve always wanted. Download Runtastic Six Pack today and get defined like never before!


* Male and female avatars take you through a variety of core exercises step-by-step

* 50+ HD (1080p) instructional ab workout videos

* Adjustable difficulty, three levels of sport science training

* 10 Week Six Pack Plan

* Pre-defined workouts, including: The 7-Minute Workout, Insanity, Shape Up, Six Pack Junkie and more

* My Workouts: Create customize workouts tailored to your target areas, weight loss goals & daily schedule

* Filter exercises for your personal fitness level

* 60+ unique “Tip of the Day” messages

* Works with smartphones & tablets

* Absolutely no gym equipment required – use this situps app anytime, anywhere

* Improve overall fitness, muscle strength & toning, stability and weight mgmt.

* Track sixpack training sessions and overall progress using detailed graphs

* Share fitness accomplishments, photos & tips on Facebook and Twitter

* Users are encouraged to upload all activities to

Runtastic Six Pack Abs Workout 1.0.2 Android的图片2

*** Some app features only available in Full Version


* Classic sit-ups

* Cross-body crunch

* Oblique crunch

* Planks

* Mountain climbers

* Hip drops

* Leg raises

* Core twist

* Side bridge

* Numerous sit up variations & many more!

Whether you’re a nutrition & fitness junkie, a busy stay-at-home mom or a business traveler who is always on the go – the Runtastic Six Pack app is perfect for you! Lose weight, ditch the belly & get the flat abdominals you’ve always wanted by following our instructional videos & easy-to-use plans – anytime, anywhere.

Current Version: 1.0.2

Requires Android: 2.3 and up

Category: Health & Fitness

v1.0.2 update:

- Nexus 7 2012 Support

发布日期: 2013-10-18