最简单的抠图软件|Picture Cutout Guide是一个非常简单好用的图片抠图工具,与先前发表的同属Two Pilots公司产品,Image Resize Guide侧重于对图片中不需要的对象进行智能移除,而Picture Cutout Guide则是主要用于将图片中的重要对象抠出.通过观看演示示例,您可以轻而易举的从相片背景中将您需要的对象抠出和制作蒙太奇图片.Picture Cutout Guide允许您更改图像大小和高宽比,原封不动的保留您认为重要的部分,不留一丝无关的东西.
Picture Cutout Guide | 3.4 Mb
Program offers these tools: Wide Edge - allows you to separate an object from its background and to store it for later transfer to another photo; applies background effects; Paste Object - pastes a separated image into another photo.
Picture Cutout Guide includes animated demo samples: the program features; indication the object boundary; simple background erase; the background effects; complex background erase; photomontage.
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Picture Cutout Guide 3.2.3
发布日期: 2014-06-09