CG数据库 >> Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.2.758.0 Win/Mac/Lnx

由 Insight 提供支持的 Endpoint Protection 是市面上最快最强大的虚拟和物理环境端点防病毒软件解决方案。

Endpoint Protection 提供了一流的防护,不仅可以防御各种类型的攻击,还可以将您所需的基本防病毒安全工具融入到一个拥有单一管理控制台的高性能代理中。

Endpoint Protection 提供了领先的防病毒防护,同时不会影响计算机的运行速度。




我们一直在努力提升令 Symantec Endpoint Protection 得享盛名的出众安全性和超强性能。

该解决方案针对虚拟环境而构建,性能得到了大大提升,并新增了一流的防护系统 – Symantec Insight。

Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 引入了数百种新增功能,可提高安全性和性能,并改进管理。

Symantec InsightSymantec Insight 是全球唯一一种几乎可以跟踪互联网上所有程序文件的使用年限、盛行程度和安全等级的系统。

鉴于了解新文件或发生变更的文件,Insight 可以充分借助能生成数百万种独特威胁的网络罪犯之手,以其人之道还治其人之身。

实时 SONAR 3 第三代主动行为防护:该版本的 SONAR 取代了赛门铁克的 TruScan 技术,可在程序运行时对其进行检查,从而识别并阻止恶意行为,即便是新的和以前未知威胁的恶意行为也不例外。


用于 Mac 和 Linux 的防病毒软件速度更快的中央控制台:针对数据库进行了优化,可提高响应速度。


增强的客户端部署- 改进了向导,增加了部署选项,从而使初次安装和升级与以往相比速度更快,也更轻松。


Symantec Endpoint Protection 可将基准映像加入白名单,保持共享扫描缓存,随机执行扫描和更新,扫描脱机映像,自动识别和管理虚拟客户端。

SEP Manager 与 Symantec Workflow 相集成:通过 SEP Manager 与 Symantec Workflow 相集成,可提高效率,实施流程和策略,并自动执行冗余的任务。

Symantec Endpoint Recovery Tool 和 Power Erasure:Symantec Endpoint Recovery Tool 可修复受到严重感染的电脑。

该工具用于创建自启动 CD 或 USB 存储棒,采用了赛门铁克最强大的恶意软件删除技术。


高级报告和分析功能:Symantec Endpoint Protection 现在包含 Altiris IT Analytics Symantec Endpoint Protection Pack。

ITA 对 Symantec Endpoint Protection 提供的传统报告加以补充和扩展,在一个便于使用的管理面板中融入了多维分析和强大的图形报告。

第三方产品删除:Symantec Endpoint Protection 具有以下功能:在安装 Endpoint Protection 客户端之前,它可以自动删除 30 多种目前安装的竞争性 Windows XP、Windows Vista 和 Windows 7 端点安全产品。




来自全球领先安全企业的一流防病毒软件旨在保护虚拟基础架构集成了防病毒、反间谍软件、防火墙和入侵防御以及设备与应用程序控制功能只需要一个代理强大的集中式管理功能,可统一管理物理和虚拟 Windows 和 Mac 端点上的安全技术无需另外部署软件,即可即时升级到自我实施的网络访问控制功能适用于 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 客户端的反间谍软件和防病毒程序可从旧版的 Symantec Endpoint Protection 进行无缝迁移主要优势阻截恶意软件,如病毒、蠕虫、特洛伊木马、间谍软件、恶意软件、Bo、零日威胁和 rootkit。




Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.X (Win/Mac/Lnx) | 304 MB  | 67 MBSymantec Endpoint Protection - Proactively detect and block today’s most advanced threats with an endpoint protection solution that goes beyond antivirus. Unrivaled Security - Stop advanced threats with intelligent security!Intelligent Endpoint Workshop- About the importance and function of each of the protection engines in Symantec Endpoint Protection- The top 10 misconceptions about deploying advanced features in Symantec Endpoint Protection and strategies for implementing them successfully- How Symantec Endpoint Protection forms a solid foundation for advanced threat protection across multiple control points, including the endpoint, network, and email- How to gain more value from your existing Symantec Endpoint Protection implementationStop advanced threats with intelligent securityLast year, we saw 317 million new malware variants, with targeted attacks and zero-day threats at an all-time high.

Organizations are struggling to keep up with the rapidly evolving threats.

Symantec Endpoint Protection is designed to protect against advanced threats with powerful, layered protection backed by industry leading security intelligence.

- Network Threat Protection stops most threats before they can take up residence on the machine- Insight reputation scoring accurately detects rapidly mutating malware and zero-day threats- SONAR™ behavioral analysis stops malicious files designed to appear legitimate- Strong antivirus, antispyware and firewall protection eradicate known mass malwareGranular Control - Get extended protection, flexibility, and scalabilityIf you have multiple user groups or you have users across different locations, you need the flexibility to set different security policies.

You can proactively secure your ecosystem by using policy-based system lockdown and application control.

These features will allow you to have tighter controls for employees handling confidential data.

- Application Control monitors and controls applications behavior, including automated system lockdown, and advanced whitelisting and blacklisting capabilities- External media control restricts and enables access to the hardware that can be used to protect and increase productivity- Host Integrity detects unauthorized change, conducts damage assessment and ensures endpoints are protected and compliantSmarter Management - Single management across physical and virtualManaging endpoint protection should be easy.

Symantec provides multiple layers of protection through a single high-powered client and management console across both physical and virtual machines.

We make it easy to deploy, update and manage your endpoint security across various locations, user groups, and operating systems.

- One solution protects Windows, Mac, Linux, virtual machines and embedded systems- Optimized for performance across physical, virtual and embedded machines- Single console provides a one stop shop for reporting, alerts, configuration and management- Enabled for remote deployment and client

Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.2.758.0 Win/Mac/Lnx的图片1

发布日期: 2018-06-17