Living Weather HD 是一款天气预报工具,但是它又和别的工具不一样,他会在桌面上显示漂亮的屏保。天气预报软件Weather HD有着令人着迷的华丽界面,使用iPad的朋友们应该有所体会,现在提供的是Mac OS X上的版本.添加城市方法是在”偏好设置” 里点 “+” 输入所在城市的邮政编码体积高达500MB也为用户带来了前所未有的华丽界面!提供全球超过2,000,000个城市的天气预报。通过美观的高分辨率动画图案代表天气情况。可提供气象图与月相图。可定制的通知。通过工具栏上的快捷菜单即可快速了解当前天气情况和预警。可在美国与欧洲提供天气预警。
Living Weather HD v3.x Mac OS X | 553 MB
Living Weather HD is a weather app like no other. It not only gives you the current weather conditions and forecast, but also puts beautiful videos matching the conditions on your desktop and an optional screensaver.
+Current weather conditions and forecast on your desktop
+Live weather wallpaper matching current conditions, today's forecast or random weather scenes
+Detailed weather forecast by a singe click on the dock icon
+Matching screensaver option (show desktop feature moves windows out of the way)
+3 desktop widget designs
+Animated icons on the desktop widget (can be disabled)
+Shows weather on dock icon (current, today's or tomorrow's forecast)
+Forecast and conditions are updated every 60 minutes
+Location can be selected by address, airport code or automatic location based detection
+Custom size option for the desktop widget - set as small or large as you like
+Option to pause desktop live wallpaper if covered by other windows (cover percentage can be set)
Accurate, premium weather data from Weather Underground
Living Weather HD 3.2 MacOSX
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发布日期: 2014-11-03