CG数据库 >> MultiAd Creator Professional 8.5.4

MultiAd Creator Professional 8.5.4的图片1

MultiAd Creator Professional version 8提供制作专业版面设计的工具.拥有最佳的设计工具和程序处理系统.适用于出版、广告等设计领域的用户.这个版本将可以开启MultiAd Creator 3.6和其它相关的文件程序.它所包含输出的设计有JEPG或PDF档案.The Document Size Handle的程序让你在拖曳的动作中重置全部的大小.The Dual Save Automatically的选项可以在两个位置中储存你文件的复制,这个程序更支持三个到十个大小的规律多边形.这个是专业版!

MultiAd Creator 包含了MultiAd Creator Plus里的所有工具,并且界面简单、功能丰富.大大提高了工作效率.它将页面布局功能和绘画、草图、和图像处理有效结合在一起.是报业、事务所、各公司的市场沟通人员必备的专业软件。

MultiAd Creator Professional 8.5.4 | 38.4 Mb

MultiAd® Creator Professional version 8 is the software for skilled layout artists. With its intuitive interface and unmatched feature set, Creator Professional delivers all the tools found in Creator Desktop plus tools to maximize productivity in high-volume production environments. MultiAd® Creator Professional combines premium page-layout capabilities with drawing, illustration and image manipulation tools without the purchase of expensive add-ons. Newspaper production groups, agency creative departments, marketing- communication groups and professional designers are typical users of this application.

In 1989, Multi-Ad Services released the first generation of Creator technology to fill a need in the newspaper industry for a user-friendly Macintosh-based desktop publishing application. The launch of Multi-Ad Creator sparked a revolution in the way ads were produced. The install base for Creator quickly grew and it became the preferred application for ad production professionals.

Creator Professional is the cross-platform replacement for the current desktop products. This new product is written on a platform-independent code-base, providing Windows users with the same ad production capabilities as Mac users.

All Features Included - We take pride in the fact that Creator Professional is more complete out of the box than any other desktop publishing program. With Creator Professional, we furnish you with a complete program: no extensions or plug-ins required. Much of Creator Professional's functionality is unavailable in other layout software even with the addition of Extensions and Plug-ins, but if you tried, you would well exceed $3,000* per copy of layout software on your own. Even then you could not match the way Creator Professional delivers its features in an easy-to-use and learn interface.

If you develop advertising or promotional materials, MultiAd Creator is made for the way you work. This sophisticated layout software is ideal for design and production, with powerful tools to boost your efficiency and creativity.

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发布日期: 2013-10-29