流体模拟软件next limit
RealFlow没有提供任何照明和渲染功能。你可以通过调节粒子流的UV坐标来拖拉纹理,从而创建各种纹理效果。你可以为网格创建UV坐标,并且创建 “Wet Texture Maps” (打湿纹理贴图)。它可以创建非常丰富和真实的纹理效果,但不能在传统的场景中进行纹理贴图。通过为软件重写流体解决方案,现在的模拟速度提高了20%到 30%。程序可以更好地处理多处理器系统和巨大的内存分配。最具创新性的功能是“Wet Texture Maps”(打湿纹理贴图)。当粒子碰到表面,它在物体的表面上“绘制”纹理。因此,它可以在表面上留下痕迹或者“打湿”纹理。
Realflow 10
.0.0.0135 Win64/Mac
RealFlow is an industry-standard, out-of-the-box fluid simulation software. Fast and easy to use, it is compatible with ALL major 3D platforms. Simulate anything from a single drop of water to a massive tsunami.
Take your simulations to the next level with the astonishing quality of DYVERSO. Thanks to the powerful new DY-SPH and DY-PBD solvers and the addition of GPU acceleration, your simulations will be lightning fast. Exceed your expectations and build smooth layered meshes, making your simulations more realistic than ever.
发布日期: 2016-12-01