Rapid JavaScript Training (2016)
MP4 | AVC 286kbps | English | 1280x720 | 15fps | 5h 43mins | AAC stereo 88kbps | 501 MB
Genre: Video Training
Learn JavaScript rapidly in a direct question and answer format. You'll see hundreds of examples which cover most aspects of the language. This course is for developers who already have fundamental JavaScript knowledge, or for developers in other languages who want to learn JavaScript quickly.
6m 24s
Introduction 3m 59s
Experimenting with JavaScript on the Web 2m 25s
JavaScript Basics
42m 58s
Introduction 1m 4s
JavaScript in Web Pages 6m 43s
Variables 7m 44s
Function Fundamentals 7m 59s
if and switch Statements 7m 16s
while and do…while Statements 3m 21s
for and for…in 4m 53s
JavaScript Usage Features 3m 14s
Summary 0m 42s
Variables, Types, and Scope
35m 43s
Introduction 1m 1s
Hoisting 5m 14s
Numbers 7m 17s
Strings 3m 6s
Boolean Values 3m 42s
undefined and null 2m 58s
Global Scope 4m 37s
Function Scope 4m 12s
Block Scope 2m 43s
Summary 0m 49s
57m 16s
Introduction 1m 37s
Addition 5m 7s
Subtraction 3m 43s
Multiplication, Division, Modulus 5m 28s
Unary Operators 5m 4s
Bitwise Operators 4m 28s
Boolean Operators 11m 40s
Equality Operators 8m 40s
Relational Operators 4m 43s
Miscellaneous Operators 5m 43s
Summary 0m 58s
Arrays and Reference Types
48m 28s
Introduction 1m 11s
Understanding Reference Types 4m 43s
Reference Type Examples 3m 9s
Array Fundamentals 8m 58s
Array Features 14m 4s
Date Fundamentals 6m 9s
Regular Expressions 9m 29s
Summary 0m 42s
Objects, JSON, and Prototypes
37m 59s
Introduction 1m 46s
Simple Objects and JSON 6m 2s
Understanding Prototypes 4m 50s
Working with Prototypes 5m 49s
Object.create() and Prototypes 4m 58s
Object.defineProperty() 7m 56s
Miscellaneous Object Functions 5m 6s
Summary 1m 29s
37m 51s
Introduction 1m 47s
Naming Function Expressions 2m 34s
Constructor Functions 9m 15s
The this Keyword 5m 11s
Calling Functions 4m 16s
Closures 3m 43s
IIFEs 6m 22s
Recursion 3m 13s
Summary 1m 26s
Programming the BOM and DOM
17m 25s
Introduction 1m 50s
The window Object and Timers 4m 16s
System Dialogs 2m 30s
The location Object 1m 27s
Document Basics 4m 20s
Query Selectors 2m 14s
Summary 0m 45s
Event Handlers
19m 42s
Introduction 1m 47s
Events 3m 7s
The Event Object 2m 3s
Handling Events 4m 20s
Event Listeners 2m 49s
Event Bubbling 4m 19s
Summary 1m 14s
Built-in Objects and Functions
20m 34s
Introduction 0m 52s
Global Functions 8m 44s
The Math Object 3m 9s
The String Object 5m 26s
Arguments 1m 41s
Summary 0m 40s
Miscellaneous JavaScript Topics
18m 41s
Introduction 1m 32s
Error Handling Using try, catch, finally 3m 1s
Promises and Observables 2m 27s
Strict Mode 4m 42s
JSLint and JSHint 3m 50s
Modular JavaScript 2m 15s
Summary 0m 51s
发布日期: 2016-12-19