CG数据库 >> 3DMotive – Cannon Texturing in Substance Volume 1

3DMotive – Cannon Texturing in Substance Volume 1的图片1

Duration 1h 33m Project Files Included MP4

Title: 3DMotive – Cannon Texturing in Substance Volume 1


In this course, we will create a realistic looking ship cannon. For this we will use Maya, Zbrush, UV Layout and Substance Painter. In the beginning, we setup a basemesh in Maya to use it later in Zbrush. In Zbrush, we will cover how to create some nice Metal and Wood, and following that I will show you how to generate in ColorID Map. With the highpoly and the generated maps we now can modify our basemesh to use it as lowpoly, and use UVLayout to generate our UVs. Once the asset is unwrapped, we will bake the lowpoly in Substance Painter and give some Color. As we wrap things up, we will cover rendering in Iray to create some stunning shots for your portfolio.

发布日期: 2017-01-12