CG数据库 >> JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery UI

JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery UI的图片1

JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery UI

HDRips | MP4/AVC, ~1459 kb/s | 1280x720 | Duration: 16:26:24 | English: AAC, 128 kb/s (2 ch) | 4.18 GB

Genre: Development / Programming

In JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery UI: An Introduction to Front-End Web Development, expert JavaScript developer, instructor, and author Marty Hall provides a practical, hands-on introduction to front-end Web programming with JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, HTML, and CSS.

“Front-end” (or “client-side”) Web development involves using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to make interactive applications that run inside a Web browser and can communicate with a Web server running remotely. Of these pieces, JavaScript is by far the most difficult because it is a full-fledged programming language and is the part that connects all the others together. This video course provides thorough coverage of three key components of front-end Web development:

The core JavaScript language

jQuery, the wildly popular open-source library that dramatically simplifies complex JavaScript applications

jQuery UI, a library built on top of jQuery that provides dialog boxes, popup calendars, autocompleting text fields, and other rich widgets that are not part of standard HTML

The course also gives briefer introductions to two supporting topics:

The HyperText Markup Language (HTML), using HTML 5 syntax

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Each section of the course provides details on the most important topics, surveys more advanced or lesser-used topics, stresses best practices, and provides plenty of working examples.

The course is aimed at two audiences

First-time programmers

Programmers who know other languages but are new to JavaScript

What You Will Learn

Testing JavaScript interactively in your browser

Variables, operators, and functions

Conditional statements, loops, and mathematical functions

Arrays and array methods

Strings and regular expressions

Functions and functional programming

Objects and JSON

JavaScript unit testing

Basic structure of HTML 5 documents

Hypertext links and URLs, headings and basic paragraphs, div and span, lists, and inline elements

HTML tables, forms, form input elements, and a small set of miscellaneous elements

Loading and applying style sheets

CSS selectors: how to decide which elements of the page apply

CSS properties: how to format the elements once they do apply

Downloading and installing jQuery

Basics of DOM manipulation in jQuery

Deploying your applications on a real Web server so that jQuery can access server-side results

An overview of Ajax

The $.ajax function

The load function

Collecting and sending data to server-side programs

How to display temporary messages in the Web page while waiting for a result from the server

How to handle data from the server that is in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format

Options for the $.ajax function

Standard shortcuts that can be used in place of $.ajax

Using promises and deferred objects to handle asynchronous events

jQuery selectors

jQuery functions that operate on collections of elements

Unit testing of functions that use jQuery

Downloading, configuring, and installing jQuery UI

Styled jQuery UI buttons

Popup calendars

Number spinners


Dialog boxes

Tabbed and accordion panels

Autocompleting textfields

Animation effects

Using themes (skins)


Module 1: JavaScript

Introduction to Module 1

Lesson 1: JavaScript Getting Started

Learning objectives

1.1 Learn how JavaScript is used

1.2 Practice interactively with JavaScript (simplest version)

1.3 Practice interactively with JavaScript (more complex but more powerful version)

1.4 Define, modify, and access variables

1.5 Apply operators

1.6 Define and call functions


Lesson 2: JavaScript Basic Syntax Part 1

Learning objectives

2.1 Execute code conditionally

2.2 Execute code

2.3 Format code so that it can be understood, edited, and maintained

2.4 Call functions from the Math class2.5 Embed JavaScript in HTML

2.6 Choose among HTML versions


Lesson 3: JavaScript Basic Syntax Part 2

Learning objectives

3.1 Define and access arrays

3.2 Create, compare, and call methods on strings

3.3 Recognize patterns with regular expressions

3.4 Call methods on arrays


Lesson 4: JavaScript Functions

Learning objectives

4.1 Understand how the use of functions in JavaScript differs from other languages

4.2 Assign functions to variables, arrays, and other data structures

4.3 Pass functions to other functions

4.4 Return functions from functions

4.5 Create anonymous functions

4.6 Capture local variables (making closures)

4.7 Use the apply method


Lesson 5: JavaScript Objects

Learning objectives

5.1 Define, instantiate, and access objects

5.2 Define methods with the prototype property

5.3 Use namespaces to avoid name conflicts

5.4 Create anonymous objects

5.5 Create and parse JSON

5.6 Apply a few other object “tricks”


Module 2: HTML and CSS

Introduction to Module 2

Lesson 6: HTML A Crash Course, Part 1

Learning objectives

6.1 Differentiate among HTML versions

6.2 Define hypertext links and apply different types of URLs

6.3 Understand how block-level (paragraph-like) elements differ from other HTML elements

6.4 Use headings and basic paragraphs

6.5 Understand the difference between div and span

6.6 Create bulleted and numbered lists

6.7 Understand how inline (font-like or text-level) elements differ from other HTML


Lesson 7: HTML A Crash Course, Part 2

Learning objectives

7.1 Use tables to present tabular information or to align sections of text

7.2 Use forms to send data to servers

7.3 Collect user data with form input elements

7.4 Apply a few miscellaneous elements


Lesson 8: CSS for JavaScript Developers A Crash Course

Learning objectives

8.1 Load and apply styles

8.2 Match page elements with CSS selectors

8.3 Understand the idea of CSS properties

8.4 Assign colors and fonts with CSS properties

8.5 Define spacing with the CSS box model

8.6 Explore a few examples


Module 3: jQuery

Introduction to Module 3

Lesson 9: jQuery Installation, Overview, and Getting Started

Learning objectives

9.1 See what jQuery is all about

9.2 Download jQuery and use it in your pages

9.3 Interactively practice with jQuery

9.4 Manipulate the DOM with jQuery

9.5 Walk through a quick example of the use of jQuery selectors


Lesson 10: Deploying Web Applications with Eclipse and Tomcat

Learning objectives

10.1 Understand why you need to run on a “real” Web server when applying Ajax

10.2 Install Java, Tomcat, and Eclipse

10.3 Configure and launch Eclipse

10.4 Create and deploy apps in Eclipse


Lesson 11: jQuery Ajax Support Basics

Learning objectives

11.1 Understand what Ajax is all about and how its use improves traditional Web applications

11.2 Make Ajax requests with $.ajax: basics

11.3 Walk through a complete example that uses $.ajax

11.4 Define jQuery behaviors with unobtrusive JavaScript

11.5 Insert Ajax results into the page

11.6 Implement content-centric Ajax with the load function


Lesson 12: jQuery Ajax Support Sending Data to the Server

Learning objectives

12.1 Send data to the server with $.ajax: summary

12.2 Send data with an explicit string

12.3 Send data with a data object

12.4 Send data by using the serialize function

12.5 Send data when using the load function


Lesson 13: jQuery Ajax Support Advanced Capabilities

Learning objectives

13.1 Display temporary messages during Ajax requests

13.2 Handle JSON data

13.3 Walk through an example of handling JSON data

13.4 Understand and apply $.ajax options

13.5 Use shortcut functions


Lesson 14: jQuery Ajax Support Promises and Deferred Objects

Learning Objectives

14.1 Use Promises and Deferred Objects for Ajax

14.2 Highlight Ajax results

14.3 Display temporary messages during Ajax requests

14.4 Check multiple Promises with $.when

14.5 Create and apply your own Deferred Objects


Lesson 15: jQuery: Selectors and DOM Manipulation

Learning objectives

15.1 Review the basics of CSS

15.2 Recall the basics of jQuery DOM manipulation

15.3 Find sets of page elements with basic selectors

15.4 Operate on sets of page elements with basic operators

15.5 Respond to user events

15.6 Walk through an example that combines selectors, operators, and event handlers


Lesson 16: Unit Testing with JsUnit

Learning Objectives

16.1 Understand the purpose of JsUnit and the basic steps in applying it

16.2 Install JsUnit and begin using it

16.3 Use available assertion functions

16.4 Walk through a more realistic example

16.5 Apply unit testing to functions that use jQuery


Module 4: jQuery UI Basics

Introduction to Module 4

Lesson 17: Rich Interfaces with jQuery UI Setup and Basic Widgets

Learning objectives

17.1 Understand what jQuery UI is all about and how to set up your page to use it

17.2 Use styled buttons: basics

17.3 Use styled buttons: options

17.4 Collect dates using a date picker (popup calendar)

17.5 Collect numbers using a number spinner

17.6 Collect numbers using a slider

17.7 Show updates using a progress bar


Lesson 18: jQuery UI Dialog Boxes

Learning objectives

18.1 Understand what dialog boxes are for

18.2 Create and pop upbasic dialogs

18.3 Animate the opening and closing of dialogs

18.4 Make dialogs be modal

18.5 Use modal dialogs that have buttons inserted automatically

18.6 Display Ajax content in dialogs


Lesson 19: jQuery UI: Tabbed Panels and Accordion Panels

Learning objectives

19.1 Display static content in tabbed panels

19.2 Display dynamic (Ajax) content in tabbed panels

19.3 Animate the opening or closing of tabs

19.4 Display content in accordion panels


Lesson 20: jQuery UI Autocompleters

Learning objectives

20.1 See how the page is set up for the lesson examples

20.2 Understand what autocompleters are for and the basic alternatives in the source of the suggestions

20.3 Get suggestions from local (client-side) data

20.4 Get suggestions from remote (server-side) data

20.5 Get suggestions from a custom matching function

20.6 Apply custom CSS styles to the suggestion menu

20.7 Use an array of objects to differentiate between display values and insert values

20.8 Perform side effects in addition to inserting value into textfield


Lesson 21: jQuery UI Animation Effects and Themes

Learning objectives

21.1 See how the page is set up for the lesson examples

21.2 Understand what animation effects are all about and what the available effects are

21.3 Walk through an example that applies each of the animation effects

21.4 Understand how themes let you update the look of your pages with little change to the code

21.5 Change themes at runtime

21.6 Design your pages so that they adapt well when the theme changes


JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery UI的图片2

JavaScript, jQuery and jQuery UI的图片3

发布日期: 2017-01-17