CG数据库 >> 3DMotive – Killer Tips In Unity Volume 2

3DMotive – Killer Tips In Unity Volume 2的图片1

Duration 6 Classes Project Files Included MP4

Title: 3DMotive – Killer Tips In Unity Volume 2


In this 3DMotive course for intermediate viewers, instructor Alan Thorn explores a collection of high-powered tips and tricks for increasing your productivity in Unity 5. Learn how to batch rename objects, save data to persistent storage, handle events with visual scripting, explore secrets of the object inspector, revisit the world of mouse picking, sync audio with aniamtion, create split-scren games, work with gizmos, optimize 2D rendering, and create a code-less mini-map! This course presents a bite-size collection of tips and tricks that’ll help you see Unity in completely new ways!

发布日期: 2017-02-01